Many times, when people run the speed test on their internet, the results come out awesome. These outstanding results are the reason their speed is amazing, but it can be an overkill. And why is that so? When you purchase an internet service for yourself, the Internet Service Provider in order to upsell their service can end up selling you the most expensive package with the premium price.
You can also use our PTCL Speed test to test your Internet Bandwidth. Now, one must ask, if it really makes any difference to go for an expensive package when you can opt for a relatively cheaper one? The answer, most of the time, is no. Unfortunately, you are paying them more money than the service you are accepting.
The Myth Of The Internet Speed
So, what is the myth here? Do you have an office with at least a dozen employees? Are you hosting web servers? Or, are you watching HD Netflix on five different TVs at the same time? If all or any of these answers are no, chances are you do not have anything to do with the excessive speed package you have bought for yourself.
People believe that the extensive speed allows them to browse faster and stream the content faster. It doesn’t work that way. The only thing it does allow you different than your normal internet package is to download the big files at a quicker pace. But, as an average internet user, you probably might not be downloading those files anyway.
So, What Speed Should You Choose?
If you want the internet services for your household, we recommend the speed to be somewhere between 6-12MB/s. This works right for the majority of house-related internet needs, as 12MB connection is enough to get you going with your internet usage.
In case you have the speed greater than this range, you should cut back on your package and downgrade to another one. More than 90% of the users are satisfied with the lower speeds because they feel no difference. If you do, you can always call your ISP and upgrade the package again (but we know that won’t happen).
Will This Speed Work For Gaming?
Internet Service Providers like to claim that more bandwidth means that you will have a better gaming experience. This, for the most part, is not true. Line gaming does not require more than 1-2MB/s. Even if you have a 3MB/s connection, you will be able to play your game just fine.
The real deal for online gaming is Ping. Bandwidth and Ping are two separate things. You cannot pay extra for better ping; you get what you get. Hence, Ping is more important for line gaming, which you cannot pay to get, so there is no purpose in paying extra for bandwidth either.