Embassy of Pakistan in Kyiv observes Kashmir Solidarity Day

KashmirEmbassy of Pakistan in Kyiv observes Kashmir Solidarity Day

KYIV, Ukraine: The Embassy of Pakistan in Kyiv observed 5th February as Kashmir Solidarity Day to reiterate the unwavering support of the people and government of Pakistan with Kashmiri brethren and highlight the atrocities being committed by India against the innocent Kashmiris in the Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

The event started with the recitation of the Holy Quran. Afterward, the messages of President Dr. Arif Alvi and Prime Minister Imran Khan were read out on this occasion.

During his remarks, Ambassador of Pakistan to Ukraine Noel Israel Khokhar spoke about the serious human rights situation in IIOJK.

The ambassador said that in order to implement the nefarious Hindutva agenda of the RSS-BJP, the Indian government unilaterally scrapped Article 370 and 35A in August 2019. The purpose of revocation of these articles was to further subjugate the people of IIOJK by relocating Hindus and converting the Muslim majority into a minority which may ultimately alter the results of a free and impartial plebiscite if ever held in IIOJK.

Noel Israel Khokhar said that since 5th August 2019 the Indian security forces have imposed a complete lockdown of the valley and illegal searches, investigations, arrests, and detentions have become a norm. He further informed that these measures are causing immense suffering to the Kashmiri people especially women, children, the elderly, and the sick.

The ambassador expressed that due to Modi’s government’s extreme, desperate, and illegal actions of 5th August 2019, the Kashmir dispute has once again become the focus of the attention of the international community. Since 5th August 2019, the Kashmir issue has been raised and discussed thrice in the United Nations which has once again supported Pakistan’s claim that IIOJK is an internationally recognized disputed territory, on the agenda of the UN, to be resolved as per the wishes of Kashmiris and UNSC resolutions. The world has taken notice of the Indian atrocities and human rights violations in the IIOJK. The UN Secretary-General, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nation’s Rights Experts, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, the Parliament of European Union, and OIC have expressed deep concern over the human rights violations in Kashmir and have called on India to lift the curfew, remove communication blackout, respect and protect human rights of the Kashmiri people.

The ambassador said that the government of Pakistan condemns the illegal, unilateral, reckless, and coercive attempt by India to alter the disputed status of IIOJK as enshrined in the UNSC Resolutions. Pakistan will continue to provide moral, diplomatic, and political support to the Kashmiri people till the fate of IIOJK is decided according to the UNSC resolutions and wishes of its people.

Pakistan also stresses the international community to take notice of the repeated ceasefire violations by the Indian security forces along the Line of Control (LoC). Indian actions in Kashmir and along the LoC are serving as a flashpoint for a nuclear conflict between Pakistan and India.

Ambassador Noel Israel Khokhar further said that Pakistan urges the top world bodies to take serious note of India’s malicious agenda, which had been recently exposed through the publication of Indian Chronicles. The EU DisinfoLab recently issued its latest report titled “Indian Chronicles—Subsequent Investigation: Deep dive into a 15-year operation targeting EU and UN to serve Indian interests”, revealing a vast network of fake media outlets, think-tanks, and NGOs involved in the abuse of international organizations.

A documentary on Kashmir highlighting the serious human rights violations in the IIOJK was screened.

Banners, posters, and panaflexes showing the atrocities against Kashmiris were also displayed.

Mati-Ullah is the Online Editor For DND. He is the real man to handle the team around the Country and get news from them and provide to you instantly.

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