98-foot asteroid flashes between moon and Earth on March 5 at 21:07 GMT

Recent Post98-foot asteroid flashes between moon and Earth on March 5 at 21:07...

An asteroid is expected to coes and whizz between the Earth and the moon on March 5 at 21:07 GMT on Wednesday at a blistering speed of 32,076 mph). The 98-foot-wide space rock is expected to come within 218,000 miles of earth (0.9 lunar distances), creating quite the site for stargazers, says NASA.

The asteroid, named 2014 DX110, is expected to make its closest approach at 21:07 GMT on Wednesday at a blistering speed of 14.85 km/s (32,076 mph). Although the space rock poses no threat to earth, it highlights the earth’s susceptibility to near-Earth asteroids.

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