“China’s watching” must be continued, advised the Biden Administration to forthcoming President Trump.

World"China's watching" must be continued, advised the Biden Administration to forthcoming President...

Monitoring Desk: Jake Sullivan, the outgoing U.S. National Security Adviser warned the forthcoming US Administration to continue the “China’s watching” policy and do not reduce support for Kyiv because the Ukraine conflict really matters for the Indo-Pacific because “China’s watching.”

The Biden Administration desired that “there should be more continuity than significant change concerning our Indo-Pacific strategy” and security circles within the US believe that adding Afghanistan into “China Watching” by aligning Afghanistan with India and providing financial support to Kabul should continue because it worked well and now US’s Indo-Pacific has expended reaching as far as Central Asian borders.US Indo- Pacific policy of “China Watching” does not means to align only those countries that are on Indo-Pacific rather those also who borders China.  Sullivan called Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran as adversaries and advised President-elect Donald Trump not to deviate from what the US had gained in Indo-Pacific.

Photo by AP

It may be mentioned that the US recently brokered the Afghanistan-India rapprochement and a DW report titled “Why India is Boosting Diplomatic Relations with the Taliban” indicates that this is a move to counter China. It is understood that countering China is not the sole desire of India but it is an integral part of the Indo-US strategic partnership.


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