44-Days Patriotic War: We Waited for Enough —We Implemented

Blogs44-Days Patriotic War: We Waited for Enough ---We Implemented

By Agha Iqrar Haroon

Today Azerbaijan is celebrating its first “The Day of Remembrance” to pay respect to the memories of martyred who sacrificed their lives for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

On December 2, 2020, the President of Azerbaijan and hero of the 44-days War, İlham Aliyev deiced to observe every September 27 as The Day of Remembrance. Today (September 27, 2021) the Ambassador of Azerbaijan Khazar Farhadov hosted limited gathering at his residence (due to covid-19 SoPs) to observe this day.

We remember that there were several UN Security Council resolutions waiting for justice in reference to Armenian occupation and aggression against Azerbaijan but nothing was happening till such time when the brave Azerbaijani armed forces through their mussels Implemented UNSC resolutions and reclaimed illegally occupied territory during 44-days Patriotic War.

One year ago today, the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan began responsive measures to counter another military provocation from the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia.

These measures were undertaken within the framework of the right to self-defense. They were in full compliance with the international humanitarian law in order to prevent another military aggression from Armenia, and to provide for the security of the civilian population. This marked the beginning of the 44-day Patriotic War.

The Patriotic War put an end to Armenia’s nearly 30-year-long policy of aggression. Azerbaijan ensured its territorial integrity, and the fundamental rights of nearly one million displaced Azerbaijanis were restored. Azerbaijan, alone ensured the implementation of the relevant UN Security Council resolutions of 1993.

The end of the occupation of the Azerbaijani territories revealed the full extent of the illegal activities undertaken by Armenia for decades. This includes extensive mining; the deliberate destruction and misappropriation of Azerbaijan’s historical, cultural and religious heritage; plundering of natural resources; destruction of infrastructure; and other violations of international law. Evidence of Armenia’s numerous war crimes was also revealed. In order to hold Armenia accountable for its breaches of international humanitarian and human rights law, Azerbaijan filed inter-state applications against Armenia in the European Court of Human Rights and International Court of Justice.

The Government of Azerbaijan is carrying out restoration and reconstruction works in the liberated territories and taking consistent steps to ensure the safe and dignified return of nearly one million of displaced Azerbaijanis, as well as the reintegration of these lands. The Government is also taking all necessary measures to ensure lasting peace, security and prosperity in the region in accordance with the Trilateral Statement of November 10, 2020.

The Patriotic War under the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan, President İlham Aliyev that ended with a victory of the brave Azerbaijani Army, opened a new era in the history of the Republic of Azerbaijan, established international justice and changed the realities in the region.

Azerbaijan is ready to normalize relations with Armenia, on the basis of strict observance of the principles of international law, in particular sovereignty, territorial integrity, and inviolability of international borders. Azerbaijan call on Armenia to respect these fundamental principles to ensure peace, security and prosperity in the region and comply with its international obligations.

44-Days Patriotic War: We Waited Enough ---We Implemented
44-Days Patriotic War: We Waited Enough —We Implemented

Azerbaijan commemorates with deep respect and esteem the memory of all martyrs who died for the independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan on September 27, which is celebrated as the Commemoration Day in our country by the order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

There are several UNSC resolutions waiting for their implementation. The majority of such resolutions are linked to occupied lands including Kashmir.

There is a saying that “Nations do not build overnight. National consensus requires political leadership, harmony in the political bloc, and having a clear, tangible, and achievable agenda as a roadmap”.

I remember comments of Prague-based Foreign Affairs expert Shazia Anwer Cheema who believes that the Azerbaijani political system believes in sustainability through peace and tranquility. Tranquility and indoctrination of interfaith harmony are considered as a moral compass from President to ministers to ambassadors; everyone knows that future of coming generations can only be secured by securing one’s own land and one’s external and internal interests. The thread of leadership seems to transcend the same legacy of ownership and coexistence. The leader of today Ilham Heydar Aliyev has physically manifested this heroic legacy while standing with his armed forces at frontlines during Armenia – Azerbaijan war.

The leader of today Ilham Heydar Aliyev has physically manifested this heroic legacy while standing with his armed forces at frontlines during Armenia – Azerbaijan war.
The leader of today Ilham Heydar Aliyev has physically manifested this heroic legacy while standing with his armed forces at frontlines during Armenia – Azerbaijan war.

“Freedom will never be obtained through crying and lamenting; it will only come through hard work….No nation has ever secured it overnight; a sensible man will not despair, but work even harder,” said Karel Havlicek, a Czech politician.


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