Urdu play about drug addiction at Karachi Arts Council is becoming addiction for youth

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Urdu play about drug addiction at Karachi Arts Council is becoming addiction for youth

Karachi, Pakistan: The youth of Karachi is really enjoying an Urdu theatre play came from the capital city of Islamabad that deals with drug addiction among the youth in Pakistan.

Urdu play about drug addiction at Karachi Arts Council is becoming addiction for youth
Photo Credits : Bilal Kazi

“LOST CONTROL” will continue to be on stage in Karachi Arts Council till August 10, 2015. The play is produced by the Insane Productions Islamabad.

Talking to Dispatch News Desk (DND) news agency, Niddal Bin Tahir who is one of the lead members of the team said that philosophy behind staging this play was “to do something for youth by the youth” without involving stage professionals because Pakistani youth must play a lead role to send a message of Good against Bad to our youth.

Urdu play about drug addiction at Karachi Arts Council is becoming addiction for youth
Photo Credits : Bilal Kazi

Combining both humor and a gritty struggle for “reality” within the mind of a drug-abusing, the play deals with situation inside and outside of an abuser.

The play had been received with wide acclaim throughout Islamabad’s  and Lahore’s theatrical audiences ranging from university alumni to showbiz personalities, state officials and a majority of the middle aged professional populace. “It was both beautiful, and painful to watch,” quoted television personality and social media icon Osman Khalid Butt after attending his first show in Islamabad.

It first hit the stage at the Fourth national Drama Festival held at FAST-NU Lahore campus and won four out of eight awards presented that evening including the award for Best Play of the event. Since then The Insane— the team behind the show has collectively worked towards greater commercial success for the play.

Urdu play about drug addiction at Karachi Arts Council is becoming addiction for youth
Photo Credits : Bilal Kazi

The Insane Team looks forward to conducting their most glorious performance to date and is optimistic about the Karachiite reception. In addition to having an inspiring moral to its story, the director of the play stresses the importance of being open minded in the perception of how drugs and decisions form a unique symbiosis in the lives of artists and the people in general who face all the social hurdles of life as we know them. Lost Control is play that forces audiences to ponder over the predicaments of life.

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