ABU DHABI, UAE: The Joint Committee for Traffic Safety in Abu Dhabi on Monday launched a comprehensive plan to enhance traffic safety for the United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) Capital City’s delivery motorcyclists.
Under the new regulatory procedures and decisions, delivery bikes have been allowed to ride exclusively on the right lanes of roads with a speed limit of 100 km/h and above in Abu Dhabi.
The new rules say that motorcyclists cannot use the fast lanes, i.e., the left-most lanes on the roads with 100 kilometers per hour (km/h) and more, which are primarily on the major highways and the expressways as most road network inside the city range between 60 km/h to 100 km/h.
So, when motorcyclists are on 3- and 4-lane roads of 100 km/h and above speed limits, they can ride only on the two tracks from the right side. And they can use three tracks from the right side on a 5-lane road.
The measure aims to enhance the quality of life, enhance traffic safety performance, and mitigate the risks of accidents along high-speed roads.
تحت مظلة اللجنة المشتركة للسلامة المرورية تم إصدار إجراءات وقرارات تنظيمية تقضي بالسماح لدراجات توصيل الطلبات باستخدام الحارات اليمنى فقط من الطرق التي تبلغ سرعتها 100 كم في الساعة فما فوق… pic.twitter.com/stpppLAM3s
— “ITC” مركز النقل المتكامل (@ITCAbuDhabi) June 19, 2023