Kerry calls military action against Syria in US interest; Obama wins support

Middle EastKerry calls military action against Syria in US interest; Obama wins support

WASHINGTON: The US Secretary of State John Kerry has said that military action against Syria is certainly in the national interest of the United States.

Speaking before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday‚ he said it is beyond any reasonable doubt that the Assad regime used chemical weapons against civilians.

Kerry called President Barack Obama’s “red line” against poison gas as the world’s “red line”.

Meanwhile‚ US President Obama has won the support of key figures in the US Congress, including Republicans, in his call for limited US strikes on Syria to punish President Bashar al-Assad for his suspected use of chemical weapons in rebel-held suburbs of Damascus on August 21.

The US Senate Foreign Relations Committee has agreed on a draft resolution authorizing the use of military force against the Assad’s regime.

The draft sets a time limit of 60 days on any operation and bars the use of any ground forces in Syria.

According to reports, a vote on the measure is likely on Wednesday (September 4).

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