Karachi University declared the LLB degree of Justice Tariq Mehmood Jahangiri ‘fake’

EducationKarachi University declared the LLB degree of Justice Tariq Mehmood Jahangiri 'fake'

Karachi, Pakistan: In an interesting development, it has been confirmed by Karachi University that the LLB degree of Justice Tariq Mehmood Jahangiri (Islamabad High Court) is fake. The admission was made under another name (Imtiaz Ahmed) and the transcript was issued under Tariq Jahangiri.

Karachi University declared the LLB degree of Justice Tariq Mehmood Jahangiri is fake
Karachi University declared the LLB degree of Justice Tariq Mehmood Jahangiri is fake


Irregularities found in documents include:
Different Enrolment Numbers. In 1991, he obtained a law degree from the University of Karachi (through Govt Islamia Law College) under two different enrolment numbers:
Part-I. Passed in 1989 under enrolment No. AIL-5968 with name Tariq Jahangiri s/o Muhammad Akram (part-I mark sheet is attached at A)
Part-II. Passed in 1991 under enrolment No. AIL-7124/87 with name Tariq Mahmood s/o Qazi Muhammad Akram (part-II mark sheet is attached at B).
Enrolment Number Belongs to Another person
As per the university record, enrolment No AIL-5968 (claimed by Tariq for part I) was issued to Imtiaz Ahmed s/o Muhammad Ellahi (enrolment form attached at C).
However, as per the Tabulation Sheet of the University of Karachi, both enrolment numbers (AIL-5968 & AIL-7124/87) have been used for Tariq but with different credentials (Tariq Jahangiri s/o Muhammad Akram & Tariq Mahmood s/o Qazi Muhammad Akram). The tabulation sheet at attached at D.
University Has Invalidated Degree/ Mark Sheet
On 23 May 2024, an application to the University of Karachi for verification of an LLB degree was issued to Tariq Mahmood under two different enrolment numbers.
Subsequently, the University of Karachi submitted the following (letter dated 4 Jun 2024 attached at E):
Enrolment No. AIL-5968 was allotted to Imtiaz Ahmed, whereas the transcript of Part-I Seat No. 4069/1989 was issued under a different name (i.e. Tariq Jahangiri).
Enrolment No. AIL-7124/87 altd to Tariq Mehmood for Part-II and he was given Seat No. 22857/1991. University issues one enrolment for a complete degree program and it is impossible to allot two enrolment numbers to a student for one program. Hence, the degree and marks sheets are invalid.

All documents related to this degree issues can be read/downloaded by clicking this link



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