“Indian soldiers sexually abuse Kashmiri boys”, claims report from Valley

World"Indian soldiers sexually abuse Kashmiri boys", claims report from Valley

Monitoring Desk: “They sexually abuse our young boys after picking them from their homes at nights. They torture private parts of a boy so he becomes impotent for whole of his life.

They put boiling eggs in —– (censored) of young boys and let them cry. They also use sticks oiled with Taramira oil or jamba oil (a seed oil, pressed from the seeds of the arugula—Eruca sativa) and enter into —–(censored) of boys. We know death is far better than this what we are facing. We want death. Please tell them to kill us.

We tell them please kills us but do not torture us in such way and abuse us sexually but they smile at us and usually tell “Jao ab Azadi Lay lu” (Go and find your freedom)”.

They take married women, aged women as well as young girls away from their homes or from markets and do gang rapes and leave them undress and walk away.

Making us blind with pallet guns or killings us is an old story now. Death is nothing for us and we want death because watching our sisters, mothers and our young boys being raped is unbearable.

Thousands of young boys are unaccounted for. We do not know where they are? If this is not genocide and purge, then tell me what world human experts have for such situation?

It is almost a month of blockade. We are short of food and medicines. People are dying without medicines. Our children studying outside Valley have no money to live because there is no way to send money to them under this total communication breakdown in valley.   

Don’t beat us, just shoot us. BBC people came to Valley and did a great report I saw. I thank them but I wish they could include more in this report because we are not beaten with sticks and cables or receiving electric shocks but we are facing sexual torture also”.

These above mentioned expressions are not being cited from any history book explaining Holocaust conducted by Nazi Germany but these are parts from a letter sent by a Kashmiri boy from Indian Held Kashmir (read as Indian Occupied Kashmir) who escaped the valley and now is back to Indian Capital Delhi.

According to a letter received by Eurasian News, Indian soldiers sodomize young boys after picking them from their homes at nights.

Letter of Nazeer Kalam (real name is withheld as boy is in Delhi) is indicating what is already in international media but certain claims of Nazeer are yet to be reported by international media but are supported by statements of Kashmiri leaders and social media photos and messages. Twitter messages of Shehla Rashid who is a famous blogger and a leader of Jammu and Kashmir People’s Movement also support claims of Nazeer Kalam.

Recent reports of The Independent, BBC, TRT News, daily the Hindu, Al-Jazeera News, NDTV and other Indian mainstream media somehow or other confirm what Nazeer Kalam (real name is withheld as boy is in Delhi) claims.

UN Human Rights Committee, Human Right Watch and Genocide Watch reports also support version of Nazeer Kalam about grave situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir.



He wrote in letter that he left his old grandmother with Allah (God) because she told him to leave Valley (Indian Occupied Kashmir) as soon as possible as he is only boy left in his family alive and nothing is known about his three cousins (immediate family) who were taken away by Indian Army on August 2, 2019—three days before the Valley came under curfew.

Kalam claims that large scale transfers of Sikhs out of valley is linked with situation because Modi government feels that Sikh policemen and soldiers may be helping people to leave the valley (like Kalam) or may be providing food secretly to community.

Kalam’s claim is not unfounded because 3 percent or more population of Indian Occupied Kashmir is Sikhs and they are also under siege and without food and medicines.

Kalam who is student in University claims that Sikhs policemen and Army soldiers are being replaced with forces going from other states of India to Valley and the only hope of people to find support from Kashmiri Sikhs is also diminishing.

Kalam’s assertion that Muslims of Valley are subject to genocide is not unfounded rather International agency watching genocides in the world—-Genocide Watch has already released its report fearing that genocide of Muslim Kashmiris is a continues process in Valley which is unchecked and unreported.

Nazeer in his letter believes that Modi government would soon open valley because most of targets are already achieved and world would forget Kashmir again once valley is open to the world. He believes that it may take next couples of days or weeks to open valley.

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