Imran Khan says May 9 events were all pre-planned, demands open and fair inquiry

PoliticsImran Khan says May 9 events were all pre-planned, demands open and...
  • Urges nation to hold protest against desecration of Holy Quran in Sweden on Friday
  • Says high time to stand up against this operation of oppression because it’s jihad not politics
  • Says I can be arrested any time
  • Says final plan is to completely destroy PTI
  • Says I am not ready to tolerate this oppressive system anymore

LAHORE, Pakistan: The former Prime Minister and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan demanded that an open and fair inquiry into the May 9 events should be held because he had proofs to prove that it was all pre-planned because since his ouster popularity graph of his party gone up instead of going down.

“Now the final plan is to completely destroy PTI by using all brutal tactics as even women and children are not being spared,” Imran Khan said while addressing the nation via social media on Monday night.

The PTI Chairman said that the government was kept on saying that if the Supreme Court gave a decision against the Military Courts, they would not accept its decision.

“The government does not care about the Constitution, they have destroyed the institutions whose one-point agenda is to end the PTI in one way or other, because they are afraid that there will be elections. So Imran Khan will come back,” he added.Imran Khan says May 9 events were all pre-planned, demands open and fair inquiry

Imran Khan said that they as a nation had to decide whether they wanted to keep themselves as slaves in these chains of fear.

“I want to tell my team and my nation that the time has come, what they are doing by entering people’s homes, are you ready to bear it because if it is happening to us today, it will happen to everyone tomorrow,” he warned.

Imran Khan went on to say that when the police has been given free rein for everything, now the police has also been destroyed, adding that Nawaz Sharif and Zardari had stolen vehicles from Tosha Khana but no one was asking them.

“I say to the nation that the time for sitting like sheep and goats is over. I am ready to do anything but I am not ready to tolerate this oppressive system anymore,” he vowed.

“The time has come for the nation to decide whether you want a Pakistan where the greatest professional minds leave the Country, the poor continue to drown in boats to escape illegally, and the rest of the nation lived like sheep and goats,” he added.

The PTI leader stated that he always talked about peaceful protests because vandalism was the loss of their own Country, adding that he was saying that as soon as the election was announced, these people, who were imposed on the nation, would leave the Country instantly due to fear because the nation would not spare them for what they had done to the Country.

The former prime minister urged the nation that they should be aware of the fact that now they had two paths, one of slavery and one of true freedom.

“We will not bow down before this system of fear, hence it is time to stand up and prepare to take to the streets to stage a peaceful protest,” Khan added.

The PTI Chairman recalled that everyone should know that because of Pakistan, March 15 was celebrated as the International Day against Islamophobia. This incident also falls under the category of Islamophobia.

Strongly condemning the sacrilege of Holy Quran in Sweden in the name of freedom of opinion, the PTI leader urged the nation to hold a peaceful but powerful protest on Friday to give a strong message like a living nation to the world that they were badly hurt by the unfortunate incident.

“I am asking my entire nation that after Friday prayer you all should come out and protest peacefully so that the message will be sent to the world that Pakistan is a Country that was created in the name of Islam and this incident caused pain to the Pakistani nation,” he said.

Imran Khan said that it had been reported that the police gave permission to burn the Holy Quran.

Therefore, he said that the Pakistani nation should prepare to hold peaceful protest which was their constitutional and legal right, so as the world could know that Pakistanis were a living nation.

Lashing out the cable of crooks, the PTI Chairman said that the big money launderers of Pakistan held a meeting in Dubai. He said that they plundered national wealth abroad, which was the biggest problem of Pakistan due to which rupee was depreciating against the dollar.

Apart from this, he said that they had never focused on increasing the Country’s income as today India’s exports were close to US$ 600 billion while Pakistan’s exports were record at US$ 33 billion during PTI era which decreased by 13% at present.

The PTI Chairman said that they had never focused on increasing domestic income, and secondly, all these big names had palaces, properties and offshore companies abroad, adding that it was revealed in Panama that Nawaz Sharif owned the most expensive London, which was bought by him on the money stolen from here because he failed to show a receipt till date in this regard.

Imran Khan went on to say that the house that Hassan Nawaz sold to Malik Riaz was currently worth 45 million pounds (about Rs 17 to 18 billion) but no one could question him where that money came from.

Similarly, he said that the money of Zardari’s Surrey Palace and Hudaybiya Paper Mills also laundered.

The former premier said that now all these thieves got together and were finalizing power sharing formula under which Sindh be given to one party, Punjab to another, besides giving some seats to the new party.

The PTI Chairman stated that they were scared of Pakistan’s biggest party and were planning as how to keep Imran Khan out.

“Tomorrow I have to go to the Court for bail in 17, 18 cases, I will go to jail if one bail has been rejected, if not tomorrow, they can arrest me any time,” he added.

Imran Khan recalled that they could put him in jail in 7 cases because the media was all controlled.

Furthermore, the PTI Chairman stated that a lawyer was murdered in Quetta on June 6 at 10:30 am, adding that he did not know about this case that any lawyer had filed a case of treason against him because so many cases were registered against him.

Imran Khan stated that efforts were afoot to implicate him in lawyer murder despite the fact his wife admitted in a press conference that he was killed in family feud.

Similarly, he said that a 302 case was filed against him for the murder of Zille Shah, however later in the post-mortem, it was established that there were 26 marks of torture on his body, on which he declared his death as an accident.

The former prime minister said that after May 9, 25 cases were registered against him because wherever anyone did something, they were forced to say that it was done at the behest of Imran Khan despite the fact he was in jail at that time.

In addition, he said that the world knew him for 50 years because of cricket, the world did not know any other Pakistani in this way, adding that entire world saw how they took him like a terrorist.

No one is going to question the way they tortured people because they were powerful and can do everything, he added.

Imran Khan said that now they took the case to the Military Courts to tell how Imran Khan was betraying the nation.

The PTI Chairman went on to say that this was not politics, it was a jihad because they were slaves and slaves had no rights.

The former prime minister further said that 25 people were shot, of which 16 people were martyred, 9 people were still missing.

In France, the police shot a 17-year-old boy and still France was burning, a national crisis has arisen, the police apologize. It is demanding because it is a free nation and free people have rights, he added.

The PTI leader asked that there should not be any free investigation to the killing of innocent people and vandalizing of property.

The PTI Chairman regretted that the speed with which their neighboring Country was moving forward and the speed with which the distance between them was increasing was a clear indication this Country has no future at all.

Mati-Ullah is the Online Editor For DND. He is the real man to handle the team around the Country and get news from them and provide to you instantly.

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