FIA Cyber ​​Crime Cell seeks permission to access Imran Khan for inquiry into controversial video uploading at his X account

FIA Cyber ​​Crime Cell seeks permission to access Imran Khan for inquiry...

Islamabad, Pakistan: FIA Cyber ​​Crime Cell has approached the Rawalpindi Magistrate to seek permission to access former prime minister Imran Khan for an inquiry into a controversial video uploaded to his X account.

It may be mentioned that Imran Khan’s X-Official handle promoted anti-state videos and narratives this week. The government has initiated an inquiry to determine who is behind uploading objectionable material via Khan’s Twitter handle (now called X).

FIA Cyber Crime Cell seeks permission to access Imran Khan for inquiry in controversial video uploading at his X account

From the official handle of Imran Khan propaganda against the Pakistan Army was carried out. In the video posted on May 26, an attempt was made to create rebellion and incitement among officers and jawans by distorting the facts through propaganda against the Army. This video is clearly a violation of the PICA Act 2016, which needs to be investigated, so Imran Khan should be given access to investigate, said the text of the letter FIA.

Several senior journalists in their vlogs and articles have indicated that Imran Khan enjoys telephone services to contact outside the jail but jail authorities deny it although several interviews have been published in foreign media claiming that interviews were conducted with Imran Khan through emails. However, the last interview published in the Zeteo news portal seriously questions whether Imran Khan has telephonic access to contact outside the jail or not.

Related Story: How does Imran Khan contact foreign journalists?

Zeteo’s interview with former prime minister Imran Khan published on May 29, 2024, indicates strong possibilities that Khan who is in jail in Rawalpindi has telephonic access to the outside world along with facilities that cannot be enjoyed under the prison manual.

Does Imran Khan enjoy telephonic services to contact outside the jail?

The interview titled “EXCLUSIVE: Imran Khan Talks to Me From Prison” left a doubt that an international journalist is using the noun “talk” in the headline knowingly the connotation and denotation of “talks” because talks are verbal contact. Written material can not be called ‘talks”. However, it can be used just to have a catchy headline because the writer says in his story:

I want to be clear: This was no ordinary, normal interview. Due to Khan’s imprisonment, I could only send a list of written questions for him to answer. I could not speak to him directly. And I was unable to ask any follow-up questions. Nevertheless, we believe that this exclusive interview for Zeteo with the former prime minister of Pakistan is of significant importance.

There is no doubt that the para mentioned above from the content of the interview and the headline of the interview are self-contradictory as the writer categorically says that the interview was done through written questions and the writer “could not speak to him (Imran Khan) directly. And was unable to ask any follow-up questions”. Here is a catch—- if someone reads the interview carefully, it shows that the writer could have an opportunity to ask follow-up questions thereby it might not be an interview taken just through a list of questions as claimed by the writer.

Two questions and answers of the interview create such doubt about having a direct conversation instead of a list of questions having no opportunity for follow-up questions. Hereunder they are:

Q: Who do you blame for your current imprisonment? Your Pakistani political rivals, the Pakistani military, the United States? Or all of the above?

A: Over these past two years, I’ve had ample time to reflect, analyzing every move and its consequences. After 11 months in prison, I am certain that this ordeal was orchestrated solely by General Bajwa. I hold no one else responsible. He meticulously planned and executed this scheme, presenting himself as a deceitful figure, creating lies and false narratives to cause both national and international chaos – all to secure his extension. He utterly failed to grasp the detrimental impact of his actions on democracy and Pakistan.

Q: Do you still believe the Biden administration was involved in a coup to remove you from office?

A: General Bajwa single-handedly spread stories to countries like the U.S., painting me as anti-American or uninterested in good relations with them. The narrative that our trip to Russia was made unilaterally without consultation is completely false. The trip was a collective decision made after extensive deliberations. Yet, he portrayed it as an anti-American initiative by Imran Khan alone. His insatiable thirst for power rendered him unpredictable. God knows what other lies he disseminated to various countries. His personal greed turned him into a bull in a china shop.

The careful reading of the first answer of Imran Khan establishes a link with the second question because Imran Khan was questioned whether the US was involved in removing Khan’s government but Imran Khan skipped to give answer to this part of the question. It looks like when Khan skipped the answer to that part of the question, the interviewer placed a direct question to get the clear-cut answer by asking Imran Khan as; Do you still believe the Biden administration was involved in a coup to remove you from office?

Here Imran Khan gave a clear-cut answer:

General Bajwa single-handedly spread stories to countries like the U.S., painting me as anti-American or uninterested in good relations with them. The narrative that our trip to Russia was made unilaterally without consultation is completely false. The trip was a collective decision made after extensive deliberations. Yet, he portrayed it as an anti-American initiative by Imran Khan alone. His insatiable thirst for power rendered him unpredictable. God knows what other lies he disseminated to various countries. His personal greed turned him into a bull in a china shop.

It can just be a coincidence that two questions and answers looked co-related.  But this part of the interview raises doubts that interview or some parts of the interview might not have written questions/answers session rather a conversation between the interviewer and interviewee took place. Therefore, the observations mentioned above were produced for academic purposes and now it is the duty of prison officials and related departments to review how written answers were transported out of the prison or whether there was a direct telephonic interaction between Imran Khan and the interviewer. In both cases, it is the duty of the prison authorities that this service is not being provided to other prisoners and why could only Imran Khan have this facilitation? This is not the first instance that such material has been published in foreign media that claims that the interview/article belonged to Imran Khan who is in jail.

On other facilities being provided to Imran Khan such as especially cooked food, a gymnasium, and a remolded huge prison cell, the provincial prison department provides a readymade answer that facilities of special food, exercise facilities, and a huge barrack had been provided to Imran under the court orders however prison department has failed to answer that did court also allow Imran Khan to write articles for international media and to provide interviews to foreign journalists? Another question arises that only the prison department is involved in this breach of the prison manual or things are not as simple as being portrayed.

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