IEPF prepares Report about Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan, says Umud Mirzaev

EuropeIEPF prepares Report about Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan, says Umud Mirzaev

Monitoring Desk: The International Eurasia Press Fund (IEPF) has prepared a report and sent it to the United Nations on the crimes committed by the occupying forces of Armenia against Azerbaijan.

The report is documentation of the escalation of the conflict in September-October 2020, which occurred as a result of the provocative actions of the Armenian armed forces on the Karabakh front.

The report was prepared by the members of the IEPF Observation Mission – IEPF President Umud Mirzaev, Vice President Ramil Azizov, American Representative, International Relations Specialist Peter Tays, Permanent Representative of the UN Human Rights Committee at the UN IEPF Office in Geneva, Professor of Law Osman Al Hajj.

The report reflects the assessments regarding the consequences of the aggression of the Armenian armed forces against the civilian population of Azerbaijan, strategic facilities and social infrastructure.

The report refers to war crimes committed as a result of the shelling of cities and villages located far from the line of contact by the Armenian military during the hostilities that began on September 27. The report represents a different approach of the IEPF observation mission from the point of view of identifying the actions of the Armenian military units during the Second Karabakh war, which are contrary to international law. Thus, when preparing the report, the opinions of war victims, war veterans, their families, civil society organizations, conscripts, as well as international organizations, media representatives were cited, various studies and visual observations were cited.

The report contains a detailed analysis of the legal assessment of war crimes committed as a result of shelling by Armenian military units in Ganja, Barda, Mingachevir, Terter, Agdam, Fizuli, Agjabadi, Goranboy. The report accurately reflects the results of the illegal transportation of weapons by the Armenian armed forces, the participation of mercenaries in hostilities, the use of illegal weapons and ammunition against civilians contrary to international conventions, as well as the results of the destruction of civilian objects and shelling of large industrial cities of Azerbaijan.

The report is the result of independent observation and research by the Civil Society Organization, which has been operating in areas close to the contact line for many years, implementing social and humanitarian programs.

The report was sent to UN Secretary-General António Guterres, head of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet, Chairperson of the OSCE, Council of Europe, International Crisis Group Anna Neishtad, Advocacy and Campaign Group Manager Eleanor Kennedy, UN Resident Coordinator in Azerbaijan Gulam Isakzai, as well as various international organizations. The report is intended for wide distribution among UN agencies and members of the Council of Europe.

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