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Mushaal seeks global community intervention to end Indian oppression in IIOJK

Monitoring Desk: Mushaal Hussein Mullick, the wife of an unlawfully incarcerated senior Hurriyat Leader Mohammad Yasin Malik, stated that the supremacist Indian occupation authorities had been committing war crimes and violating international human rights with impunity in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) since October 27, 1947, to perpetuate its illegitimate occupation on Kashmir.
Speaking at a Kashmir solidarity rally taken out in Islamabad to mark Kashmir Black Day, she said that the people of Kashmir had been enduring the tyrannies of the Hindutva regime during the past 77 years but these oppressions and coercive tactics could not dampen their courage.
Mushaal, who is also the Chairperson of the Peace and Culture Organisation, expressed serious concerns about the safety and well-being of her jailed husband because the Indian notorious government was hell-bent on silencing to most powerful voice of Kashmiri freedom struggle in a fake, fabricated, and absurd case.
She highlighted that the occupation authorities converted the scenic valley into a garrison city and a killing field, as even Kashmiri children could not go to school because parents were imprisoned for their crimes to raise the voice of their right to self-determination.
However, the Hurriyat leader stated that despite all these hardships and the reign of terror unleashed by the brutal forces, Kashmiris remained steadfast struggling for seven decades to break the shackles of Indian slavery.

Mushaal Malik seeks global community intervention to end Indian oppression in IIOJK ISLAMABAD: Mushaal Hussein Mullick, wife of an unlawfully incarcerated senior Hurriyat Leader Mohammad Yasin Malik, stated that the supremacist Indian occupation authorities had been committing war crimes and violating international human rights with impunity in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) since October 27, 1947 to perpetuate its illegitimate occupation on Kashmir. Speaking at a Kashmir solidarity rally taken out in Islamabad to mark Kashmir Black Day, she said that the people of Kashmir had been enduring the tyrannies of Hindutva regime during the past 77 years but these oppressions and coercive tactics could not dampen their courage. Mushaal, who is also the Chairperson of Peace and Culture Organisation, expressed serious concerns about safety and wellbeing of her jailed husband because the Indian notorious government was hell-bent to silence to most powerful voice of Kashmiri freedom struggle in a fake, fabricated and absurd case. She highlighted that the occupation authorities converted the scenic valley into a garrison city and a killing field, as even Kashmiri children could not go to school right now because parents were imprisoned for their crimes to raise voice of their right to self-determination. However, the Hurriyat leader stated that despite all these hardship and reign of terror unleashed by the brutal forces, Kashmiris remained steadfast struggling for seven decades to break the shackles of Indian slavery. Mushaal went on to say that when the people stand together, freedom can be achieved, with the people's voice, even the mightiest of tyrants can be defeated. The Hurriyat leader stated that people in the occupied valley were not even safe inside their own homes, as bodies of their leaders and loved ones were not returned to them. She highlighted the ordeal faced by Kashmiri leaders, saying Asiya Andrabi held in Tihar Jail, whose health deteriorated alarmingly in jail. She emphasized the importance of remembering this day annually, saying, “Every Pakistani stands in solidarity on this day.” Mushaal encouraged young Pakistanis to launch campaigns through social media, highlighting that Pakistan’s founding leader, Quaid-e-Azam, also placed trust in the power of youth. “You can become our powerful voice today,” she stated, urging them to remain steadfast for Kashmir. Mushaal recalled that India had resettled millions of Indian nationals in the region unlawfully to alter its demographic makeup, aiming to turn it into what she termed a mini-India. She called upon the international community to hold India accountable for its excesses in IIOJK and to support the Kashmiri people's struggle for their inalienable right to self-determination. Mushaal vowed that the people of Kashmir have endured decades of oppression, but their resolve remains unbroken. However, she urged the international community and human rights organizations to shun the double-standard and take note of Indian worst human rights violations so as to resolve the Kashmir dispute once for all in accordance to the aspirations of the people of Kashmir.

Mushaal went on to say that when the people stand together, freedom can be achieved, with the people’s voice, even the mightiest of tyrants can be defeated. The Hurriyat leader stated that people in the occupied valley were not even safe inside their own homes, as bodies of their leaders and loved ones were not returned to them.
She highlighted the ordeal faced by Kashmiri leaders, saying Asiya Andrabi held in Tihar Jail, whose health deteriorated alarmingly in jail.
She emphasized the importance of remembering this day annually, saying, “Every Pakistani stands in solidarity on this day.”
Mushaal encouraged young Pakistanis to launch campaigns through social media, highlighting that Pakistan’s founding leader, Quaid-e-Azam, also placed trust in the power of youth.
“You can become our powerful voice today,” she stated, urging them to remain steadfast for Kashmir.
Mushaal recalled that India had resettled millions of Indian nationals in the region unlawfully to alter its demographic makeup, aiming to turn it into what she termed a mini-India.
She called upon the international community to hold India accountable for its excesses in IIOJK and to support the Kashmiri people’s struggle for their inalienable right to self-determination.
Mushaal vowed that the people of Kashmir have endured decades of oppression, but their resolve remains unbroken. However, she urged the international community and human rights organizations to shun the double standard and take note of the Indian worst human rights violations so as to resolve the Kashmir dispute once and for all in accordance with the aspirations of the people of Kashmir.


Fake Deputy Chairman NAB booked

By Shamshad Mangat

Islamabad, Pakistan: In Pakistan, everything is possible, particularly when the PMLN comes into power because this party leaves the governance to bureaucrats without checks and enjoys the pleasure of power.

In the federal capital Islamabad, a fake Deputy Chairman of NAB has booked himself is a grade 18 employee of a government institution, but he had been introducing himself as the Deputy Chairman of NAB by putting up a flag and a revolving light on his official vehicle he got from department as deputy registrar of Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council.

According to interesting details available and some of them mentioned in the First Information Report (FIR) of the case etag# 19/10/26/2024-4409, registered in the I-9 police station, it is said that the accused first called Ahsanuddin Jatoi from the official number and said that “I am Deputy Chairman Sohail Nasir, I am calling you to solve your ongoing dispute with Dr. Akram immediately”. After that, the accused called Akramullah’s personal mobile phone and threatened Ahsanuddin’s wife Ms. Shabnam Jatoi stating that ‘I am the Deputy Chairman NAB Sohail Nasir is speaking if you do not end the dispute with Dr. Akram, then be prepared for dangerous consequences’.

The background of this incident is that Ms. Shabnam was expelled from the Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council for allegedly violating the rules. At the same time, the Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council recruited Zarik Khan as a deputy registrar in grade 18 against the law and without any advertising for the post. Zarik Khan and his brothers allegedly disguised themselves as Deputy Chairman NAB to free Dr. Akram’s complaints who is currently the President of the Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council.

Ahsanuddin Jatoi, the husband of Ms. Shabnam Jatoi, had observed these calls as suspicious and reported the case to the police, and the accused fell into the trap of the police. The police officers of the concerned police station claimed that the accused had committed many other incidents of fake identity and the investigation is ongoing and they will remand the accused from the court. It should be clear that Deputy Chairman NAB Sohail. Nasir retired as a Sessions Judge and is remembered as an excellent judge and a deadly honest person.


Dominance of Society—A Male Viewpoint

By Z.A

Usually, you don’t get to choose much in your initial life, where you are born, which circumstances you will be raised in, or what environment you will be exposed to.

The Five W,s (Where, When, Who, Why, and What) are facts, and as per my understanding “Every Fact has an Effect”, like if there is rain (Fact) outside you will get wet (Effect). You were born into a rich family; hence, you will miss out on most of life’s hardships.

If circumstances present you with great educational opportunities, you will be an asset to any company. If the environment is positive, you evolve to be a happy person. But naturally, you get to be groomed by your lovely parents who were exposed to a certain genus of circumstances, wherein, they developed a certain criterion or mindset through which they intend grooming you to face this world and everything related to it, wherein, you predominantly develop your lens through which you see life and everyone who tags along in it. Well, being realistic, these are what I call “Uncontrollable Facts” that you cannot choose to change, they just happen. Although we don’t get to decide much initially for what we were exposed to, though we can now determine what we become and establish ourselves to be what we want to be.

Not Designed but Programmed

Once you are born into a family, where you are blessed with an immense amount of love, attention, and affection you become “The Daddy’s Boy”, you love being appreciated for whatever you do in return. You start loving the phrase That’s My Boy”. Every night you go to sleep, you start replaying the admiration you got throughout the day from your parents for every right thing you did, as a result, you feel content, happy, and proud. These feelings work on you like a drug, and you get addicted to it sooner or later. You start to fantasize about yourself as the apple of your family’s eye. And then the grand statement; “My Son Never Said No to His Dad”. You love it, you need to hear it more, and you cannot live without hearing it again and again.” You are the mature one out of your siblings”, hence, you become the responsible son your parents ever dreamt of. You try to take on responsibilities that are above your age, but in the process, you don’t realize that you are leaving behind a version of yourself that was supposed to exist then. So, all for what, To Feel Content”.

Life passes like a rollercoaster with its difficulties, and you become a version of someone that “Most People Would Love to Keep but Very Less Would Love to Respect”.

It starts from” That is my boy” and move forward as that is my student, that is my friend and that’s my husband. Some call it people pleasers, others call it empaths, but I would like to call you The Ones Who Always Serve.” Your life purpose remains the same, but it just changes its shapes and forms.

Sailing in the tides of your romanticism, you forget to ask one important question to yourself such as, does she need this, is she expecting this, do you know who you are loving, do you even know her? Well, you know who you are loving

But here I must mention, that with the passage of time you have left yourself far behind and evolved into a person you never wanted. You might be out of the very few lucky ones who got their Better Halves who admire, respect, and appreciate you for being in their life, but most chances are you landed with your Other Halves who feel entitled to have you in their lives and that’s it. Maybe, you landed in to into a tunnel where you see light at the end but sometimes you land into Mariana Trench, where the deeper you go, the more you put in, and the more you strive; the darker, the deeper and lonelier it gets.

The Urge to Fill Voids Inside You

Keeping above all in view, unintentionally certain voids are being created inside you. These voids don’t come to the surface until and unless you get exposed to different situations in life, wherein you start to see yourself and view an image of missing pieces. But no problem, you are an adult now, and certainly at a marriageable age, living in a culture where elders decide the right ones for you with all their sincere feelings and emotions. And there you go; you have a person to get married to. Finally, you see her, you don’t only see a person, but the receiver of all your love, emotions, romance, and most of all the person who will fill all those voids and gaps being created inside you, like a jar filled with pebbles and she is like sand to sneak inside and fill every gap. You thought you had faith in that person, but I doubt, you became Codependent. It was abidance, inhibition, or modesty rather than subordination. So, the time has come when the tables turn, the moment when you give it all, and the moment when you let all your walls down. The moment after which you will never be able to love someone else in your life, all your decisions, emotions, and happiness will revolve around this person, the center of your gravity, the contentment.

So, it all begins, when the other person gets overwhelmed by your love and your never-ending affection. But sailing in the tides of your romanticism, you forget to ask one important question to yourself such as, does she need this, is she expecting this, do you know who you are loving, do you even know her? Well, you know who you are loving. You are loving your wife, the first and the last lady of your life, in a culture where it is normal to let go of all your boundaries and embrace the spouse with all your heart.

You know, the harsh reality is that you are wrong, and you were, you wore those rose-colored glasses and saw the lady through them, you saw her flaws, her awkwardness, her feeling of suffocation, her quietness, her distant and avoidant nature, but it is all fine, isn’t it? After all, she is the one and the only, but my dear friends on this roller-coaster ride did you realize that You Didn’t Love Her, You Loved the Person That She Could Be Or Could Have Been”, or the love she could have offered, or maybe the goodness she could have brought in your life.

You hallucinated it all, you didn’t process your irrational thoughts, the reality is that you got carried away in the exuberance of your romantic fascinations. And you realize that, the woman who once became your pride, the smile on your face once you thought about her, your motivation for being a better and wealthier man to provide her with more and more was nothing more than “Just A Figment Of Your Imaginations”.

The Facts

I can be the guy to sugarcoat and tell you that she was wrong, and you were right, but it doesn’t work this way. The reality is that you just got carried away with all your unrealistic perceptions. Being from any Culture or Religion, we are not supposed to be codependent, we depend on God and God only, yes, we love humans, but the reality is that 99 percent of us, love our glorified version of a partner or an unrealistic picture of a person. Truth is that it is not a what’s based on facts, it’s based on our rigid way of thinking being developed for the person in front. When the fog is gone and a clear picture comes to light, we face the deepest and darkest of our sorrows and with disappointment.

In our society our sincere friends and elders always guide us “To Take Things Slowly”, though we don’t like to hear that in our glorified lover state, but the reality is that we actually should, just like matters on earth that stay for hundreds of years underground, but finally evolve with time into valuable fossils, hence, the fact is that “It Takes Time”. So, if you are mature, you will realize that you should take it slow, whether it’s your emotions, maybe expectations, or being vulnerable, timing is everything. Because giving things time will provide you with opportunities to reanalyze, wherein, you select the correct course of action in that situation, hence, less feeling of regret.

It is very pertinent to mention here that our world, economies, systems, and emotions are driven by certain cultures being subconsciously engraved in our brains. We sometimes get confused as a man about the things we were supposed to do naturally after getting married, like throwing our clothes on the bed, leaving the toilet floor wet, or being nonresponsive to small compassionate expressions of our wives, such things in the modern age are being done by masculine women. Here is where the cultures differ, women are the biggest and the most natural resource of nurturing in this world, they tame men, groom kids, shape our environment, and most of all convert our house into a home. As the equilibrium gets disturbed, everything falls apart, wherein, men once fell in love with a woman felt weak and vulnerable, acting like a child in front of their wives. But due to a major paradigm shift in the overall behavior of modern women, men have stopped acting like a child, that excitement, spark, and romanticism are all gone, and what’s left behind is just man.

To all the ladies in the world, I would say “If Your Man No Longer Acts Like a Child Around You And He Is All Quite And Mature Now, Than Congratulations, You Have Lost Your Man”. Because there is a huge difference between a man and a woman when they fall in love, a man becomes weak and vulnerable, like a little boy in her arms, while a woman becomes strong, as she knows there is a guy who will always stand by her side, no matter what.

Unfortunately, people don’t change, they just make conscious decisions about their happiness for the people they love, but they remain the same. They give you priority, they find time, and most of all they listen to you or see your actions to understand your sincere intentions. Usually, we see what’s being shown upfront, but when we love someone, we genuinely try to discover the wholehearted intent behind it. We never stop loving; we just hate the fact that we loved the wrong person instead. As the wrong love always comes in your life at the right time but the right love always comes at the wrong time in your life. And when you needed it the most, you never got it and later you are love-bombed once you no longer require it. Because at that time you are way too tired of all this drama because you are not afraid of loving again but getting hurt by loving again.

There is no regret in giving it all to the next person, it’s never your fault, your fault is when you start expecting them to show gratitude in return. On the other hand, it is realizing that their response cannot be defined by ours as we cannot force someone to reciprocate the same. You may succeed in making them act in a certain way, but at the same time, you fail to make them feel in a certain way. As you cannot change someone who doesn’t see a question with their action, you can only change how you react to them. During my tenure in my job life, I was told that the most rational way to get rid of the problem is to solve the problem, not to linger on with it. But the best advice I would give to you is that no all problems have a solution, sometimes you just move on, leave that version of you that had issues with that problem, and move ahead.

As God said, “I May Change Everything in This Universe for Which You Shall Pray or Ask For, But Will Not Change The Way The Others Perceive, Think Or Feel For You”. 

It’s Not the Motivation but The Discipline

I also learned in my professional life through different exposures that motivation gives you the courage to take your first step, in fact, the second step is the hardest to take. To keep going you need discipline, which we actually misunderstand, it is the purest form of self-love, it is your small rational sacrifices you make to provide better circumstances and a future for yourself. It is like building an arsenal of tools you would require to carve and shape your future problems and opportunities. Discipline is taking a pause every time you decide and analyze it for not only the present but the future. The words you speak, the paths you take, and the major decisions of life you make if given a second thought, the picture would be altogether different.

The most difficult form of discipline to impose is the discipline of wants, needs, expressions, and most of all actions. Because time stops for no one, life cares for no one, and everything moves on, even your body doesn’t, it gets old every passing moment.

Don’t Stop Dreaming

We cannot change things, the way they are happening, and their outcomes. You are hopeless from certain people, and very unfortunate if those were the people who were your light, your happiness, and certainly your center of everything. And now you realize that you don’t have much to do. Well, here I would like you to move out and see people lying on the streets, see the birds returning to their nests with empty beaks, or the nomads in deserts waiting for rain. Or maybe, the smallest thing like an itch on your body which you can attend to, but there are millions in this world who are physically paralyzed, they can’t even do that. The dilemma of the world is that we fancy exotic cars, others fancy just a car, majority fancy money to utilize public transport, but sometimes to economize we go by foot thinking how blessed all above mentioned are. But we forget that while walking we cross many who are in wheelchairs who fancy us, or at the other end of the road a Billionaire across the window in a hospital lying on the bed looking at the guy in a wheelchair and fantasizing that one day he will be taken out on wheelchair to have some fresh air.

Well, do we realize how ungrateful we are, how thankless and unrealistically hopeless we have become? We have been blessed in so many ways that we don’t even realize. For that we need to look around, my elders always said that whenever you are happy look at people below your status, it will inculcate humbleness inside you, but when you are sad you still look at people below your status, it will inculcate gratitude and contentment inside you.

So being fixated on changing someone, which further fixes your life, you better fix yourself. All you need is God, love him, and believe in him, if your prayers are listened to, they were rightly conceived, but if not then accept that it was not good for you and that maybe God wanted something better for you which you don’t realize now, but somehow at some point in time you will. The best example is those moments in your life where you look back and realize that you worked so hard on that project but still others were rewarded instead which led you to leave that company, and now you are in a much better place. Bad things in life that may have happened must be considered as catalysts to your better future and success.

Move around meet people, don’t stop, find a purpose. Like I met a psychologist who made me realize that she is not a doctor only, she is a human being. Being human is very rare nowadays, being human is valuable, sometimes all you need is not a wife or a friend or a doctor to consult but a human to talk to. Who would just listen and understand you? Make you realize that you have come this far, and you should be proud of yourself. Forget about taking revenge, as I learned that people don’t get that steel-nerved urge to fight, nor by any religion even but for the drive of revenge, and you never stop. Wherein, even all the great leaders in history knew how to start a war but did not understand how to stop it.

In the end, you should realize that the life that you think is a curse on you is the same life many on the streets dream of. We are all equal to God, he has given us all equally, some with money, others with respect, others with happiness of family, and some with nothing but contentment. So, live your life each day because every day you pass will never come back again.


26th Constitutional Amendment: Do we lack Gentlemen in our higher judiciary?

Islamabad, Pakistan: Former judge of the Lahore High Court Barrister Malik Saeed Hassan who resigned as a judge during Gen Ziaul Haq era and joined the legal team defending late Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto in the trial is still considered a legend among judges of the country who is still known for his uprightness and command over jurisprudence. When he was asked to comment why he resigned though he was one of the youngest and most promising judges of Lahore High Court and everybody could imagine that he would someday be the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pakistan. He said:

The foremost quality of a Judge is—He should be a Gentle Man— The second most important quality is that He should be a Gentle Man and the third quality is that He should be a Gentleman. When I saw that Justice Moolvi Mushtaq had grudges against Bhutto and he (Justice Mushtaq) wanted me to be part of the bench against Bhutto, I had two options — to succumb to the desire of Justice Mushtaq and give a decision against Bhutto or to resign and go home because I want to remain a Gentleman.   

justice saeed Hassan
Justice (retd) Malik Saeed Hassan

Malik Saeed Hassan was not the only Gentlemen our judiciary has several such names including Justice Durab Patel, Justice Dilawar Bokhari, etc who decided to resign when they felt that they could not accept the circumstances around them. Do we have such Gentlemen available in our judiciary today?

Justice Yahya Afridi, the new Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pakistan was nominated by the Parliamentary Committee after the 26th Constitutional Amendment and sworn in today as the 30th Chief Justice of Pakistan.

The attitude of the senior judges of the Supreme Court on the occasion of the retirement of former Chief Justice Qazi Faiz Isa has once again proved the country is lacking Gentlemen in our judiciary. Moreover, the last 100 hours confirmed that the higher judiciary of the country is divided politically beyond imagination and beyond repair. Actually, the whole system is a rotten egg now and the immediate victim of the Supreme Judiciary itself. The role that should have been played by Justice Mansoor Ali Shah, the senior judge of Pakistan, was unfortunately not played. His letter writing shows his rage towards everybody who changed the rules of the game and the players in the arena also. His conduct is in no way adorn the judges holding high positions in the judiciary. He is not the one rather every judge that did not attend full court reference for Justice (retd now) Qazi Faez did not set a decent example for the upcoming young judges. Justice Mansoor Ali Shah and Justice Muneeb Akhtar are both senior and respected judges of the Judiciary, both of them have spent time in the Supreme Court and served the judiciary, if they disagree with the 26th Constitution Amendment, they should take their retirement by maintaining the traditions and moral values, but if they keep the same attitude, i.e. sometimes writing to the registrar and sometimes criticizing the Chief Justice, it will harm their reputation as Gentlemen.

Legal experts also say that one of the major benefits of an honorable retirement on the part of both of them is that it will give younger judges who trust in the 26th Constitution Amendment a chance to come up and serve the judiciary, and secondly, doing so would honor both of them as well. The 26th constitutional amendment has been fully implemented, the same system will be implemented every time, the parliamentary committee will select three judges from among the names. This procedure is also in practice in other government institutions, such as the same system in the Pakistan Army. So if Justice Mansoor Ali Shah and Justice Muneeb Akhtar are not happy, they have an opportunity to go home as seniors do in the military if they are superseded. If they will stay while not accepting the 26th Amendment, honorable judges possibly continue to express their lack of respect for the 26th Amendment of the Constitution and surely harm the judicial system.

The conduct of some judges before, during, and even after the introduction of the 26th Amendment shows that two legal teams are operating against each other, one is headed by Federal Minister Law comprising the Parliament, and Advocate General, and the second is the PTI team comprising of some of judges who rejected the 26th Amendment as PTI rejected inside the Parliament. This divide will harm proceedings in higher courts and conspiratorial theories will not die down.

The letter written by Justice Mansoor against Justice Qazi is full of derogatory remarks and rather exhibits the taunting behavior of Justice Mansoor Ali Shah. Justice (retd) Qazi will always be remembered for his conduct of defending the Constitution, law, parliament, and parliamentary democracy. Two days before his retirement, he had written in the last dissenting note that 8 judges had established their own court apart from 13 judges, but they had changed the constitution itself. It should be noted that judges cannot change the Constitution, they can only take one path and that is the path of following the Constitution. From 1955 till today, if the Supreme Court is seen as an institution, most of its decisions have not been of any special service to democracy and Parliament. The truth is that all these decisions had negative effects on the republic, the justice system, the country, and the society.

Courts sided with every dictator as cited by late Justice Saeed Hassan. Some important examples of this are Maulvi Tamizuddin case, Nusrat Bhutto case, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto case, Asad Ali case, Zafar Ali Shah case, Iqbal Tikka case, Yusuf Raza Gilani and Nawaz Sharif’s disqualification cases. There are several Supreme Court judgments given in favor of the overthrowing authority of the Constitution, which have seriously affected the country’s system.

Therefore, the argument is effective and strong that if the Supreme Court of Pakistan had made some good decisions in favor of democracy instead of rubbing shoulders with the powerful, perhaps today our system would not be like a laboratory. Ray of hope is on the horizon but morning can only appear when the higher judiciary is clean from judges who show vendetta (as Moolvi Justice Mushtaq showed against Bhutto), who is taunting, show arrogance, and make decisions by using their ‘will and mind’ instead of using jurisprudence and law books.

A review of qualities possessed by a Gentleman includes someone who does not do what he wants to do, but what he should do, courtesy is as much a mark of a gentleman as courage; a person who can disagree without being disagreeable.

In simple words, a gentleman is a man of integrity who does the right thing even when no one is watching. He is a man of his word and is not swayed by peer pressure or popular opinion.  Unfortunately, our judiciary is a slave of popular opinion.


Cricket writer Sir Sylde Berry was honored with the Media Award

Rawalpindi, Pakistan: On the historic occasion of the third Test match between Pakistan and England in Rawalpindi, a simple yet dignified ceremony took place at Pindi Cricket Stadium to celebrate the 500th Test match covered by The Telegraph’s Chief Cricket Writer, Sylde Berry. He became the second cricket correspondent in the world to cover 500 Test matches, following the legendary Australian captain and commentator Richie Benaud.

Cricket writer Sir Sylde Berry was honored with the Media Award. Rawalpindi (Press Release) On the historic occasion of the third Test match between Pakistan and England in Rawalpindi, a simple yet dignified ceremony took place at Pindi Cricket Stadium to celebrate the 500th Test match covered by The Telegraph's Chief Cricket Writer, Sylde Berry. He became the second cricket correspondent in the world to cover 500 Test matches, following the legendary Australian captain and commentator Richie Benaud. Several other notable journalists also received souvenirs during the event, including Sir Anthony Scald Evansberry, Tasdeq Hussain Din, Stephen Schmelt, Simon Andrew Brunton, Stuart Argym Forster, Simon Reginald Wilde, Rory Andrew Dollar, Philip Anthony Mewton, Johnton, Matthew Peter Roller, Laurence Booth, George Richard Dobell, and Christopher Ian Stocks. In addition to the English media, several Pakistani journalists were recognized, including Khurram Shehzad, Nawaz Gohar, Waqar Ahmed, Javed Khan, Arfa Feroze, Aamir Riaz, Muhammad Zahid Khan, and Wasim Qadri. The souvenirs were presented by Sir Anthony Sylvester Evansberry, Chairman Rasja, Shakeel Awan, and representatives from AIPS Asia in Pakistan. Zahid Farooq Malik, along with Asghar Ali Mubarak, the Founder President of the South Asian Sports Journalists Association, participated in the distribution of souvenirs. Cricket writer Sir Sylde Berry was honored with the Media Award.

Several other notable journalists also received souvenirs during the event, including Sir Anthony Scald Evansberry, Tasdeq Hussain Din, Stephen Schmelt, Simon Andrew Brunton, Stuart Argym Forster, Simon Reginald Wilde, Rory Andrew Dollar, Philip Anthony Mewton, Johnton, Matthew Peter Roller, Laurence Booth, George Richard Dobell, and Christopher Ian Stocks.

In addition to the English media, several Pakistani journalists were recognized, including Khurram Shehzad, Nawaz Gohar, Waqar Ahmed, Javed Khan, Arfa Feroze, Aamir Riaz, Muhammad Zahid Khan, and Wasim Qadri. The souvenirs were presented by Sir Anthony Sylvester Evansberry, Chairman Rasja, Shakeel Awan, and representatives from AIPS Asia in Pakistan. Zahid Farooq Malik, along with Asghar Ali Mubarak, the Founder President of the South Asian Sports Journalists Association, participated in the distribution of souvenirs. Cricket writer Sir Sylde Berry was honored with the Media Award.


Cadet Arif Ullah embraced Shahadat in Lakki Marwat

Monitoring Desk: On 25 October 2024, Khwarij attacked a Mosque in District Lakki Marwat during Maghrib Prayers. Gentleman Cadet Arif Ullah (under training at Pakistan Military Academy, Kakul & on leave at his hometown), was also present there, offering prayers in the same Mosque.

As soon as Khwarij started firing, he immediately responded and fought the Khwarij bravely. However, during the incident, Gentleman Cadet Arif Ullah (Age 19 years; resident of Lakki Marwat) got Shahadat sacrificing his life while saving many innocent lives of worshippers.

Cadet Arif Ullah got Shahadat

Such a heinous and cowardly act of attacking worshippers in the mosque while praying reflects the true ideology of these Khwarij.

The valiant act of a young Gentleman Cadet is a testament of the spirit of sacrifice and dedication of Security Forces’ personnel to eliminate the menace of terrorism from the country and such sacrifices further strengthen our resolve.


PTI attacked three police vans and took away arrested workers

Monitoring Desk: According to Geo News, PTI terrorists opened fire on three vans of prisoners being brought from Attock Jail at Singjani Toll Plaza in Islamabad, as a result of which several police personnel were injured.

An attempt was made to rescue about 82 prisoners from the vehicles including three PTI MPs who were also among the escaped prisoners.

According to a Geo TV report, 25 to 30 people attacked 3 police vans in which 82 miscreants of the D Chowk protest were being taken. It seems clear that this organized attack was carried out by PTI miscreants. According to IG Police Islamabad Ali Nasir Rizvi, all escaped prisoners have been recaptured.

According to political experts, this attack proves that PTI is a terrorist organization. This action by the PTI miscreants is not new, there have been many systematic attacks on the state and state institutions by the PTI miscreants before. According to political experts, damage to state property by PTI miscreants, and attacks on police personnel is not a new thing, the May 9 tragedy had happened before, and such mischief during other rallies and processions. The pattern of TI has become and all this reflects the evil thinking of the founder of PTI and the Chief Minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Political experts also say that if the judiciary had punished the people involved in this terrorism in time, then such incidents would not have happened and these evildoers would not have had the courage to challenge the writ of the state. There is also a demand from the public circles that these terrorists should be arrested and punished


Pakistan – Russia Joint Exercise Druzhba-VII concluded

Rawalpindi, Pakistan: The closing ceremony of Pakistan – Russia Joint Exercise Druzhba-VII in Counter Terrorism domain was conducted between the Armies of Pakistan and Russia at the National Counter Terrorism Centre (NCTC), Pabbi, today.

Two weeks long exercise was commenced on 13 October 2024. Special Forces of the Pakistan Army and 54 x all ranks from the Russian Army participated in the Exercise.

Pakistan - Russia Joint Exercise Druzhba-VII

Inspector General Training & Evaluation (IGT&E), Lieutenant General Fayyaz Hussain Shah, HI (M) graced the Closing Ceremony as Chief Guest. Russian Ambassador, His Excellency Albert P. Khorev also witnessed the Ceremony.

The troops displayed the highest standards of professionalism during the conduct. The Exercise was aimed at refining drills, procedures, and techniques, besides harnessing the historic military-to-military relations among the friendly countries.


State-run PTV appears with face-lifting to promote the government’s narrative

Islamabad, Pakistan: Under the dynamic leadership of Federal Minister Information and Broadcasting Atta Ullah Tarar, the State-run Pakistan Television Corporation will offer a bouquet of new Current Affairs shows at PTV News from October 25, 2024.

PTV has hired new anchors from the private sector to give a face-lifting to the oldest television screen in the country and the only English television transmission in Pakistan.

State-run PTV appears with face lifting for promoting state narrative

Several changes of faces from Lahore studios will enable PTV to endorse the achievements of the Punjab Government as well as of the Federal government. Focusing more on political issues, PTV’s new shows will focus on PMLN governments in Punjab and the Centre to build a strong narrative of the government because PTV is the only terrestrial television broadcaster in the country having deep reach into far-flung and remote areas where cellphone signals are not good enough to watch HD channels and hardly any cable operator available in remote areas.

The Managing Director of PTV Sayyed Mubashar Tauqir Shah is manning the project along with his team leaders of different departments who have already proven their professionalism and strength in holding the largest Election Transmission in the country in February 2024 and also defeating the private sector during SCO Summit by holding 50 hours’ marathon transmission with already available anchors who worked tirelessly to make the transmission a success. It is expected that a new team of anchors will surely achieve new milestones for PTV News. The SCO marathon transmission of PTV was highly appreciated by foreign media delegations who got clean feeds for their televisions and almost all central Asian countries used PTV feeds instead of depending upon foreign feed services.

Related Story: State-run PTV beats the private media by launching a two-day marathon transmission on the 23rd SCO Summit

The majority of Current Affairs shows from Lahore would be anchored by such anchors who have excellent relations with the Punjab government and are in constant contact with Chief Minister Punjab therefore promoting her good work would be achieved soon.

Federal Minister of Information and Broadcasting Atta Ullah Tarar believes that hiring new anchors from the private sector would surely enhance PTV revenue through advertisements. It is hoped the advertisement revenue of PTV would enhance twice of what it is getting from the private sector through shows of new anchors.


Bushra Bibi’s decision to stay at CM House Peshawar indicates her deficit of trust in Punjab’s leadership

Lahore, Pakistan: After the release of former First Lady Bushra Bibi from Adiala Jail and her decision to stay in CM House Peshawar instead of her residences in Zaman Park Lahore or Banigala once again testified that Imran Niazi family is facing chaos within the ranks.

Party circles claim three groups are competing Imran Niazi is aware of this whole situation but is unable to do anything and his sisters are not ready to talk with his wife. After her release, Bushra Bibi reached Islamabad Banigala directly from Adiala Jail and it was thought that she would stay here, but an impression was also given that she would go to Zaman Park Lahore. However, Bushra Bibi went straight to Peshawar from Banigala. This decision has deepened PTI’s disarray and internal disunity and provided evidence of division within the party. PTI insiders have said that the party did not like her going straight to Peshawar to stay in the Chief Minister’s House. This situation gave an impression that she was insecure in Islamabad and the most trustworthy person for her is CM KP Ali Amin Gandapur.

After the release of Bushra Bibi, going to Peshawar is being considered as an unusual move and this is the reason why the central leadership of PTI has taken this matter seriously and called a meeting of the political committee. All is not going well between the central leadership of PTI and Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Ali Amin Gandapur. The central leadership is suspicious of the politics of Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa but does not express it openly.

According to political observers, this is the reason why PTI’s central leadership has expressed concern, especially since Bushra Bibi did not consult them or tell them about it, even though they have full confidence in her. PTI insiders have also confirmed that the central leadership had issued instructions to Bushra Bibi to move to Lahore Zaman Park after staying in Banigala for some time, but she left for Peshawar.

Sources also say that not only the central leadership but also the founder of PTI had clear instructions that Bushra Bibi should go to Lahore Zaman Park after her release. Even earlier, the chaos in the party and Bushra Bibi’s interest in party affairs came to the fore when WhatsApp messages between Rauf Hasan and Aleema Khan revealed a war of words between Aleema Khan and Bushra Bibi. After the release of Bushra Bibi, Maryam Wattoo who was present outside Adiala Jail strongly criticized party leadership stating that PTI leadership had no role in the release of Bushra Bibi. Given the above-mentioned situation, the central leadership of PTI has also called a meeting of the central leadership in which to consider this matter. According to political circles, Bushra Bibi wants to consolidate her leadership over the party with the help of Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur.


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