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UK’s legal firm Matrix considers Imran Khan illegible for the candidacy of Chancellor of Oxford University

Monitoring Desk: Matrix is a barristers’ chambers in London a group of independent and specialist lawyers who work across a wide range of areas of law, indicates that Imran Khan, former Prime Minister of Pakistan and leader of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party is not fit to contest the race for Chancellor of the University of Oxford.

The Matrix document available with DND News Agency indicates that regulation 7(d) of Oxford’s Council Regulations must be reviewed while dealing with the candidacy of Imran Khan through the lens of Oxford’s governing regulations. Regulation 7(d) of the Council Regulations 8 of 2002 outlines the eligibility criteria for individuals holding roles as trustees of the university, including the Chancellor. These criteria emphasize personal integrity, compliance with legal standards, and the fitness of candidates to serve as representatives of the university.

The document says that Imran Khan’s criminal conviction in the Tosha Khana case, in which he was found guilty of profiting from state gifts while in office, presents a significant barrier to his candidacy. Section 178 of the Charities Act 2011 explicitly disqualifies individuals with criminal convictions from holding trustee roles in registered charities, a category under which Oxford falls. King’s Counsel Hugh Southey’s legal opinion reinforces this, asserting that Khan’s conviction likely renders him ineligible under UK charity law.

Moreover, the clause “Fit and Proper Person” Test and HMRC Guidelines also bars Khan from contesting the election. The “fit and proper person” test, as defined by HMRC, plays a critical role in determining the suitability of candidates for positions of influence in charitable organizations. This test assesses whether individuals can be trusted to manage charity resources responsibly and act in the best interests of the institution.

Khan’s criminal record, alongside his continued involvement in politically divisive activities, raises concerns about his ability to meet these standards. The question of Khan’s fitness for office is not merely legal; it speaks to the broader issue of whether his leadership would align with Oxford’s values of transparency, integrity, and intellectual freedom. These legal and moral hurdles cast doubt on the feasibility of his candidacy, particularly given the high ethical standards Oxford maintains.

UK’s legal firm Matrix considers Imran Khan illegible for the candidacy of Chancellor of Oxford University


Pakistan has handed over SCO president ship to Russia

Islamabad, Pakistan: Pakistan has handed over the SCO Presidentship to Russia at the concluding first session of the 23rd SCO Head of Government Summit held here in Islamabad. At the end of the first session of the 23rd SCO Head of Government Summit, an eight-point agenda was adopted. The next meeting of the SCO Head of Government Summit shall be held in Russia in the year 2025.

Pakistan proposed a New Economic Dialogue among SCO members and the prosal was adopted in the Islamabad Declaration.


Developing story



Official text of Opening remarks of PM Shehbaz Sharif at 23rd SCO Heads of Government Council Meeting In Islamabad

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;

We stand at a pivotal moment in history, where tectonic shifts are taking place in the social, political, economic, and security spheres. However, I firmly believe that from the platform of SCO, which symbolizes the spirit of collaboration, we have the resolve and determination to forge a brighter, more prosperous, and secure future for our people, and the region. Let us seize this opportunity to envision a path forward, that is inclusive and beneficial for all Member-States.


Last year, when Pakistan assumed the Chair of this august forum, we reiterated our priorities in the fields of regional peace and stability, strengthening interconnectivity and sustainable development, and promoting socio-cultural initiatives, which we believe are vital for the Organization’s future and our collective advancement.

Related Story: The 23rd SCO Summit in Islamabad: Afghan soil must not be used for injecting terrorism into SCO member states

With the help of our brotherly Member-States, we have been able to progress on this path, which is reflected in the Joint Communiqué of our meeting, which aptly highlights our common vision of strengthening sustainable and inclusive economic growth, through inter-connectivity and relevant financial support mechanisms; coordinating efforts in the spheres of green development and environmental protection; while also enhancing socio-cultural ties, through academic and tourism linkages, as well as by sharing best practices to combat poverty and empowering our women and youth.

We are also pleased that during our chairmanship, several positive and forward-looking initiatives were adopted. These included concepts on establishing the SCO Economic Preference Base; Cooperation between Trade Promotion Organizations of the SCO Member-States; Framework for Cooperation among the SCO Member-States in the field of creative economy development; and the SCO New Economic Dialogue Program.

I propose that we collectively enter into the implementation phase of these concepts through Plans of Action, which will strengthen and deepen the existing cooperation among member states in the economic and trade spheres.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;

Owing to its contiguity with the SCO region, a socio-economically stable Afghanistan can offer all Member, viable and economically beneficial trade and transit routes for better connectivity. A stable Afghanistan is crucial for achieving this objective. While the international community must extend the needed assistance to help the Afghan Interim Government in staving off the humanitarian crisis and preventing an economic meltdown, it must also demand that the Afghan Interim Government to take concrete measures to promote political inclusivity, as well as to ensure that its soil is not used for terrorism against its neighbors, by any entity.


Economic collaboration is at the heart of SCO engagement. Investment in regional infrastructure projects, such as transport and energy corridors, is crucial for economic integration. In this regard, Pakistan welcomes the decisions of the SCO Council of Heads of State on Strategy for the Development of Energy Cooperation, for the period up to 2030, as well as the establishment of an Association of Investors. While welcoming all connectivity initiatives by SCO countries, Pakistan strongly advocates for establishing a robust SCO connectivity framework, which not only serves as a gateway for regional trade but also takes the vision of Eurasian connectivity and trade to the next level.

To this end, projects such as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and International North-South Corridor (INSC) can be expanded to improve connectivity, focusing on roads, railways, and digital infrastructure.

Let us not look at such projects through the narrow political prism and invest in our collective connectivity capacities, which are crucial to advancing the shared vision of an economically integrated region. Let us work together for a well-integrated and prosperous region that benefits all member states.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;

Combating poverty is not just a moral imperative but a fundamental driver of economic development and prosperity. The presence of the largest number of poor people on the planet within the SCO borders obliges us to have closer cooperation for poverty alleviation.

As the permanent chair of the SCO Special Working Group to Combat Poverty, Pakistan carried out several joint seminars, webinars, etc. aimed at sharing knowledge and best practices. We will continue to provide the required impetus to our collective efforts to address the root causes of poverty, enabling member states to unlock their full economic potential, create sustainable growth, and improve the overall quality of life of their citizens.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;

The unpredictable climate changes are the greatest threat to humanity’s existence. Its devastation is colossal and transcends all borders. Combating climate change and protecting the environment within the SCO region, is essential for ensuring sustainable development, economic stability, and social well-being.

As one of the most climate-vulnerable countries, Pakistan testifies to the need for prioritizing environmental cooperation among Member-States, to enhance resilience, foster collaboration, and secure a safer future for our present and future generations.

We welcome the recently concluded SCO Agreement on Environmental Protection and urge member states to actively collaborate in all such efforts at the regional and global scale.

Pakistan has developed an innovative model of a technology-based, proactive disaster management system, which provides early warning for emergencies relating to climate change. This has enabled us to undertake timely corrective measures to save precious resources of men and material. Pakistan looks forward to organizing simulation exercises for the relevant ministries and departments of SCO countries, to enable them to make country-specific disaster management responses.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;

Unilateral coercive or protectionist measures run contrary to international law, curb economic growth, and disproportionately hurt the scientific and technological development of affected countries. The international financial architecture and the world trade and technology regimes must be reformed and aligned to promote development and global equity. Over the years, we have built a strong base for SCO’s development cooperation matrix.

However, there is a growing realization that a gap exists between the Organization’s aspirations and our performances. This is particularly so between the raft of Agreements and MoUs we have signed and their implementation. It is time we translate our political will into action on the ground.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;

The SCO Consortium of Economic Analytic Think Tanks is an important forum of scholars who understand the intricacies of economies and trade trends. Their academic inputs can improve the canvas of regional economic and trade patterns. As Chair of the Consortium, Pakistan led the useful research work this year, which has been shared with Member States.

As Heads of Government, we need to encourage our private sectors to create a conducive environment for business and investment promotion within the SCO region. With the participation of the SCO Business Council, Pakistan’s Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, held a very useful Conference on the sidelines of the meeting of SCO Ministers for External Trade on 12 September 2024 in Islamabad. I encourage the Business Council to regularly hold such events to enhance interaction among our business community.

We observe a clear understanding among all SCO member states about the need for settlement in mutually acceptable currencies. In the face of unilateral sanctions on some of the SCO member states, SCO’s Interbank Union is rightly placed to discuss and resolve the banking issues, which can translate into a multiplier effect for enhancing trade within the SCO region.

Pakistan also supports the proposal to create an SCO alternative development funding mechanism, to give the needed impetus to various stalled development initiatives. We also welcome the timely decision of the SCO Council of Heads of State on the mechanisms of financial support to project activities of SCO.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;

Pakistan strongly believes that a strengthened and effective SCO can spearhead sustainable development in the region. We, therefore, support the ongoing efforts to reform and modernize the SCO, including the provision of adequate resources to the SCO Secretariat and SCO RATS, which will lead to their effectiveness and implementation capacities.

Last but not least, SCO’s strength lies not only in its political and economic dimensions but also in its rich cultural diversity. Pakistan values the importance of fostering people-to-people connections and cultural exchanges among our member states. By promoting mutual understanding and respect, we can build a foundation for lasting cooperation that transcends borders and enriches our societies.


The 23rd SCO Summit in Islamabad: Afghan soil must not be used for injecting terrorism into SCO member states

By Agha Iqrar Haroon

Islamabad, Pakistan: The 23rd SCO Head of States Summit started at the Convention Centre in Islamabad on Wednesday with Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif’s inaugural address.

In his opening remarks, Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif said that a stable Afghanistan is needed for connectivity among SCO members and Afghan soil must not be used for injecting terrorism in neighboring countries that are SCO member states.

Summit shows that the region is together to find a collective way out to promote cooperation and is a testament to the strength of ties among the SCO member states

He added that climate change and achieving an agenda of sustainable development are some of the foremost issues to be discussed at the Summit. He was of the view that connectivity, economic well-being, and mitigating threats of terrorism globally are issues that are important for the population of the SCO’s member states. He believed that the world is going through a transitional phase and collective vision is needed to materialize the opportunities. He stated that the empowerment of women is a must to achieve global well-being.

PM Sharif stated that the presence of the SCO leaders at the Summit shows that the region is together to find a collective way out to promote cooperation and is a testament to the strength of ties among the SCO member states and the collaboration among the diverse nations. Sharif stated that SCO countries had immense potential to ensure peace, development, regional connectivity, and stability as well as improve the lives of their people and mitigate poverty.

He was of the opinion that SCO Summit is an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas and share best practices to promote economic cooperation for the betterment of their societies.

23rd SCO Head of States Summit started in Islamabad

All member states, two observers, and dialogue members are attending this event that is being held under water-tight security manned by the Pakistan Army. Indian Prime Minister Modi did not attend the event rather, he sent his Minister of External Affairs Jaishankar. The biggest delegation arrived from Russia comprising 70 plus members under the leadership of Prime Minister Russia Mikhail Mishustin. For Pakistan, the presence of Prime Minister of China Li Qiang and Prime Minister Russia was an excellent opportunity to promote Pakistan a country that is the most important regional player.

China’s Premier of the State Council Li Qiang, Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko, Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Olzhas Bektenov, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, Tajik Prime Minister Kohir Rasulzoda, Uzbek Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov, Kyrgyzstan’s Chairman of Ministers’ Cabinet Zhaparov Akylbek, Trade Minister of Iran Seyyed Mohammad Atabek, and Indian External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar were received by PM Sharif at Jinnah Convention Centre. He also welcomed Mongolian Prime Minister Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai and Turkmenistan Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Rashid Meredov.

China’s Premier of the State Council Li Qiang, Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko, Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Olzhas Bektenov, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, Tajik Prime Minister Kohir Rasulzoda, Uzbek Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov, Kyrgyzstan’s Chairman of Ministers’ Cabinet Zhaparov Akylbek, Trade Minister of Iran Seyyed Mohammad Atabek, and Indian External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar were received by PM Sharif at Jinnah Convention Centre. He also welcomed Mongolian Prime Minister Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai, Turkmenistan Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Rashid Meredov. China’s Premier of the State Council Li Qiang, Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko, Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Olzhas Bektenov, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, Tajik Prime Minister Kohir Rasulzoda, Uzbek Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov, Kyrgyzstan’s Chairman of Ministers’ Cabinet Zhaparov Akylbek, Trade Minister of Iran Seyyed Mohammad Atabek, and Indian External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar were received by PM Sharif at Jinnah Convention Centre. He also welcomed Mongolian Prime Minister Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai, Turkmenistan Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Rashid Meredov. China’s Premier of the State Council Li Qiang, Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko, Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Olzhas Bektenov, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, Tajik Prime Minister Kohir Rasulzoda, Uzbek Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov, Kyrgyzstan’s Chairman of Ministers’ Cabinet Zhaparov Akylbek, Trade Minister of Iran Seyyed Mohammad Atabek, and Indian External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar were received by PM Sharif at Jinnah Convention Centre. He also welcomed Mongolian Prime Minister Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai, Turkmenistan Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Rashid Meredov.

This two-day Summit SCO Summit 2024 has an agenda that includes:

Multilateral Cooperation: The summit will focus on enhancing multilateral cooperation among member states, discussing topical issues of regional and international importance.

Economic Cooperation: There will be discussions on economic collaboration, including trade and investment initiatives.

Security Cooperation: The meeting will address security concerns, including combating terrorism and enhancing regional stability.

Climate Change and Environmental Protection: Leaders are expected to discuss collaborative efforts to address climate change and promote sustainable practices.

Regional Stability: The summit will aim to strengthen regional stability and address ongoing conflicts to discuss combating Terrorism; economic Cooperation; climate change and environmental protection and strengthening multilateral dialogue.

Yesterday Prime Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif held meetings with the Tajikistan Prime Minister, Kyrgyzstan Cabinet Chairman, Turkmenistan Deputy Chairman Cabinet Ministers, and the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan. In his meetings, PM Sharif highlighted the need to strengthen close and mutually beneficial cooperation in various sectors, especially trade, investment, energy, and regional relations. Prime Minister Prime Minister of Tajikistan had a bilateral meeting with Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif. In the meeting, Prime Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif appreciated the active and constructive participation of Tajikistan in the annual meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Council of Heads of Government and said that as brother countries and regional partners. The Prime Minister emphasized that the two countries need to strengthen close and mutually beneficial cooperation in all areas of common interest, especially trade, investment, energy, and regional connectivity.

Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan Akilbek Japarov also met Prime Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif. Mentioning the long-standing brotherly relations between the two countries, the Prime Minister expressed his satisfaction over the development of bilateral relations between Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan. He stressed the need to increase cooperation in the fields of investment, and public and regional relations.

In the meeting of the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Prime Minister emphasized the importance of working together in the fields of trade, energy, and regional relations. Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif emphasized the importance of Pakistan’s long-standing, historical, and brotherly relations with Turkmenistan. The Prime Minister emphasized the need to increase high-level exchanges between the two countries. He emphasized the importance of both sides working together to maximize bilateral cooperation, especially in the areas of trade, energy, and regional connectivity.

Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif also met with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Prime Minister reiterated Pakistan’s determination to work together with all the member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to advance the principles and objectives of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Emphasized the need to work for. The Prime Minister of Pakistan emphasized the need to maintain regular and high-level contacts through institutional mechanisms of bilateral partnership. The Prime Minister also emphasized the need to convene meetings of joint working groups on agriculture and trade as soon as possible. He reiterated his strong commitment to work with Pakistan and said that Kazakhstan views Pakistan as a major trade partner in South Asia.


Belarusian PM Roman Golovchenko met COAS General Syed Asim Munir

Islamabad, Pakistan: Belarusian PM Roman Golovchenko met COAS General Syed Asim Munir here on Tuesday who is visiting Pakistan to attend the 23rd Heads of States Summit of SCO.

During the meeting, discussions were held on regional dynamics and the enhancement of bilateral security and defence cooperation between the two nations.

COAS reaffirmed Pakistan’s appreciation for Belarus’s contributions to global and regional affairs and expressed the desire to further strengthen the military partnership between both countries.

Prime Minister Golovchenko commended the Pakistan Armed Forces for their pivotal role in promoting regional peace and stability and acknowledged their professionalism and sacrifices in the fight against terrorism.


Honorary Consulate of Kazakhstan opened in Manchester

B Raza Syed

MANCHESTER, United Kingdom: Ambassador of Kazakhstan to the United Kingdom H.E. Magzhan Ilyasov officially opened the Honorary Consulate of Kazakhstan in Manchester on October 11, 2024. On the occasion, Mr. Abid Latif Chohan was graced as the first Honorary Consul of the Kazakhstan for Greater Manchester.

The ceremony was attended by Minister of Public Health and Prevention Andrew Gwynne(MP). Afzal Khan MP, Lord Mayor of Manchester Councillor Paul Andrews, representatives of the diplomatic circle, political and business community of Greater Manchester.

On behalf of the Government of Kazakhstan, H.E. Magzhan Ilyaso congratulated Mr Abid Latif Chohan upon his appointment and vowed full support to Mr Chohan in his new role. H.E. Magzhan Ilyasov informed the audience that bilateral relations between Kazakhstan and the United Kingdom are at their highest level, within the overall framework of the strategic partnership, thanks to the competent leadership of the two countries. “Honorary Consuls have an important role to play in ensuring an intensified diplomatic representation of Kazakhstan. Therefore, the opening of the Honorary Consulate in Manchester and the appointment of Mr.Abid Latif Chohan as the Honorary Consul of Kazakhstan will undoubtedly contribute to the development of a long-term fruitful relationship and cooperation between our two countries in the areas of tourism, business, culture. It will also help increase people-to-people contacts,” said the Ambassador.


He also cited Kazakhstan’s achievements in various areas and economic factors attracting investors. Ambassador Magzhan Ilyasov further invited participants to visit Kazakhstan and discover its variety of tourist attractions.

MP Afzaal Khan felicitated Mr Abid Latif Chohan on his new appointment and commended good relations existing between Kazakhstan and the United Kingdom. He also applauded Kazakhstan for creating an extraordinary environment for investments.

The Minister for Public Health and Prevention, Andrew Gwynne MP expressed his delight at being in Manchester for the occasion. Speaking at the event, he highlighted his responsibility for international relations in the field of health and care.

In his address, the Minister emphasized the importance of global cooperation to tackle shared health challenges, stating, “We need to collaborate and share knowledge, particularly in addressing global health issues together.”

He also expressed his enthusiasm for strengthening ties between the United Kingdom and Kazakhstan. “I look forward to deepening connections between the UK and Kazakhstan. It’s fantastic that we now have this office here in the vibrant city of Manchester,” he added.

On this occasion, The Lord Mayor of Manchester, Councillor Paul Andrews, extended his heartfelt congratulations to Mr. Abid Latif Chohan on his appointment as the Honorary Consul of Kazakhstan. Speaking at the event, the Lord Mayor praised the move, stating, “On behalf of the city, I believe this is an excellent step forward.” The Lord Mayor emphasized that this appointment would strengthen ties between the city and Kazakhstan, fostering greater cooperation and mutual benefit.

Speaking at the event, Chairwoman of the Board, Aliya Ospanova,” Bolashak Program” highlighted the importance of the program.

Mr Abid Latif Chohan expressed his gratitude for being nominated Honorary Consul of Kazakhstan and committed to fulfilling his duties successfully. He praised the favorable environment for doing business in Kazakhstan, an experience he draws from his investment in the country.

On this occasion, the Ambassador of Kazakhstan, H.E.Magzhan Ilyasov, also met with Kazakh students studying in Manchester under the Bolashak Scholarship program to discuss their academic progress, adaptation, and future career prospects in Kazakhstan.

Diplomatic relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland were established on 19 January 1992.

The British Embassy in Kazakhstan opened in October 1992. The Embassy of Kazakhstan in the UK opened in February 1996.

The main aim of the Honorary Consulate is to provide assistance to Kazakh citizens in the regions of North West England as well as Yorkshire and the Humber as well as to promote bilateral economic and cultural relations between Kazakhstan and the United Kingdom.


Ambassador Tirmizi believes Pakistani youth can compete the global IT market


Monitoring Desk: The Ambassador of Pakistan to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Faisal Niaz Tirmizi, has said Pakistani youth can compete in the global market in IT technology provided that it can offer international platforms such as GITEX Global.

“Events like GITEX provide opportunities for showcasing Pakistan’s technological potential, ” said Ambassador Faisal Tirmizi.

GITEX Global is being held in UAE where professionals from AI, cybersecurity, and cloud computing agencies from 180 countries showcasing their technological products Pakistan is attending this mega event through the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication (MoITT), Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB), Pakistan Software Houses Association, and the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) in promoting the country’s IT sector. Ambassador Tirmizi lauded the personal interest of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif who is directing related ministries to showcase Pakistan in events like GITEX.

24 Pakistani exhibitors are showcasing the country’s latest technological innovations and digital solutions at Dubai World Trade Centre


Pakistan Russia Joint Exercise Druzhba-VII exercise continues

Rawalpindi, Pakistan: Russia Joint Exercise Druzhba-VII is a 7th bilateral joint exercise in the Counter Terrorism domain between the Armies of Pakistan and Russia. A week-long exercise commenced on 13 October 2024 at National Counter Terrorism Centre, Pabbi with the participation of Light Commando Troops ex Pakistan Army and a Russian Military Contingent. Commandant National Counter Terrorism Centre graced the opening ceremony of the Exercise as Chief Guest.

The Exercise is aimed at refining professional skills through joint training besides harnessing the historic military-to-military relations among friendly countries. Participating troops are looking forward to benefiting from mutual expertise/ experience.


23rd Heads of States Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Summit starts in Islamabad

Islamabad, Pakistan: The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Summit will kick off on Wednesday, October 16, 2024 morning where Member States will be represented by the Prime Ministers of China, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan as well as the First Vice President of Iran and External Affairs Minister of India. Prime Minister of Mongolia (Observer State) and Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers and Foreign Minister of Turkmenistan (Special Guest).

A Suadi Arabian delegation will also attend this event as an Observer, reports DND News Agency from Islamabad.

Two-day Summit SCO Summit 2024 has an agenda that includes:

Multilateral Cooperation: The summit will focus on enhancing multilateral cooperation among member states, discussing topical issues of regional and international importance.

Economic Cooperation: There will be discussions on economic collaboration, including trade and investment initiatives.

Security Cooperation: The meeting will address security concerns, including combating terrorism and enhancing regional stability.

Climate Change and Environmental Protection: Leaders are expected to discuss collaborative efforts to address climate change and promote sustainable practices.

Regional Stability: The summit will aim to strengthen regional stability and address ongoing conflicts to discuss combating Terrorism; economic Cooperation; climate change and environmental protection and strengthening multilateral dialogue.

Pakistan’s Foreign Office is confident to hold this event in a befitting manner while Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif personally involved in the arrangements of the event has been holding meetings with Foreign Office staff, security agencies, and the administration of Islamabad. It has been noted that PM Sharif whose lifelong friend Ishaq Dar is deputy prime minister as well as the Foreign Minister of Pakistan expressed extreme interest in the success of the event and even asked the Foreign Office to arrange a maximum staff that is conversant in Iranian, Chinese, Russian, and Mongolian languages because other members state of Central Asian can understand the Russian language. Though Afghanistan is an Observer member of SCO its membership has not activated since 2012 when the Afghan Taliban took over Kabul therefore the SCO Secretariat has not invited the Afghan delegation to attend the event.

The biggest delegation is expected from Russia and over 70 members have already arrived in Islamabad. The prime minister of Mongolia (observer state), along with the deputy chairman of the cabinet of ministers will also attend the event while the Foreign Minister of Turkmenistan will attend as a special guest.

The Security

Pakistan’s government called the Pakistan Army to manage the security of the event under Constitutional Article 245. Thousands of policemen from Sindh and Punjab have been called to help the Islamabad police along with paramilitary forces such as Rangers. The government has already announced a three-day public holiday in Islamabad and Rawalpindi from 14-15 October and 16 October.

The Delegates

India which decided earlier not to attend the event is sending its Minister of External Affairs. A 76-member delegation from Russia and a 15-member delegation from China have already arrived in Islamabad. The Chinese delegation is arriving with 10 members.

Russia is showing much interest in this SCO Summit and the Ambassador of Russia to Pakistan, Albert P. Khorev has already expressed his appreciation for the extraordinary arrangements in Islamabad for holding the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Council of Heads of Government Summit.

Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Belarus, and Mongolia are attending with 15-plus member delegations.


Gwadar Airport virtually inaugurated

Islamabad, Pakistan: Chinese Premier Li Qiang during his visit to Islamabad on Monday virtually inaugurated New Gwadar Airport. It was expected that the inaugural ceremony of the airport would be physical and the Chinese Prime Minister would land at Gwadar Airport and then have a flight from Gwadar to Islamabad. However, the airport was inaugurated virtually during a ceremony in Islamabad.

Gwadar Airport virtually inaugurated

According to a careful estimate, the New Gwadar International Airport has a cost of 54 billion 98 crore rupees. The runways of Gwadar International Airport have been built according to international standards, on which other large aircraft including Airbus 380 can land.

Gwadar International Airport is an important project of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), the airport has been constructed by the Civil Aviation Authority in collaboration with China.

Prime Minister Li Chiang said that the completion of Gwadar International Airport is an important milestone, and China will continue to play its role in the development of Pakistan. The completion ceremony of New Gwadar International Airport was held in the federal capital of Islamabad, Prime Minister of Pakistan Shahbaz Sharif and Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang attended the ceremony. Gwadar International Airport is a flagship project of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), the airport has been constructed by the Civil Aviation Authority in collaboration with China.

Meanwhile, both countries signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs). During the ceremony, a document on the development of human resources in Pakistan and China, cooperation in the fields of information and communication, working together in the field of water resources in both countries and increasing cooperation in the field of security and food security.

Addressing the ceremony, Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang said that China will continue to play its role in the development of Pakistan. Prime Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif and Chinese Prime Minister His Excellency Li Qiang held a delegation-level meeting today at Prime Minister House Islamabad. During the meeting, the two leaders exchanged views on bilateral relations. They discussed all aspects and discussed regional and global issues of mutual interest. The two leaders expressed satisfaction that the Pakistan-China strategic cooperative partnership, which is based on mutual trust and common principles, is getting stronger with time.

The two leaders reiterated their support for each other on all core issues and expressed their commitment to the high-quality development of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Phase 2. He also emphasized the need for timely completion of all ongoing projects including industry, agriculture modernization, information technology, science, and technology for mutual benefit and socio-economic development of Pakistan.

The two leaders expressed their satisfaction that cooperation under CPEC has entered a new phase.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif assured of Pakistan’s unwavering commitment to ensuring the safety of Chinese residents and projects in Pakistan. Both sides agreed to continue high-level contacts, including strengthening all areas of bilateral cooperation.

In the meeting, the relocation of Chinese industry in Pakistan was discussed and the strategy for increasing Chinese investment in Pakistan was also discussed.

It was reiterated in the meeting that Pakistan and China will continue close consultations on issues of regional and global importance and multilateral forums.


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