Gandapur attacks State: Can Pakistan allow ‘Rebellion Reinvention’?

Political DiscourseGandapur attacks State: Can Pakistan allow ‘Rebellion Reinvention’?

By Agha Iqrar Haroon

May 9, 2023 events were surely a Mutiny against Pakistan when a group of miscreants belonging to PTI attacked state institutions, important buildings, and military installations and tried to put pressure on the governing system to use power against miscreants or to surrender to them by changing political/military leadership.

However, the State managed the situation amicably and opted to refrain from using the word ‘Mutiny’ for whatever happened on May 9, 2023, although the State knew the undercurrents of the events and might have had information that retired Lt. Gen. Faiz Hameed and former prime minister Imran Khan planned the failed attempt for creating chaos in the country.

French political philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre rightfully indicated that the ‘State shows shyness to share a lot what had been happening backstage and this is an Indigenous limitation the State Craft’. This happens everywhere in the world so the case was not different in Pakistan regarding May 9, 2023 events.  Nevertheless, in Pakistan this mutiny attempt is not ending even though one and half years have passed one of the reasons is that higher courts showed a lenient view of it and the majority of culprits are now sitting in the parliament instead of in jails therefore, the latest attempt of this constant mutiny is being hatched within the parliament— this time in KP provincial Assembly.

A lot of work has been done to explain kinds of mutinies and academic data provides a comparative framework of historic mutinies. Alas, the government of Pakistan has yet not assigned academicians and universities to document the May 9, 2023 events. Historically, the expanded conception of mutiny provides a mixture of military, social, and political mutinies, and examination of data shows the patterns that mutiny tends to take, as well as the interactions that can occur between mutinous minds within ex-military men (case of Faiz Hameed) and getting support from civilian societies (anti-Pakistan elements within political parties and so-called civil society). While standard definitions of mutiny emphasize mass defiance by rank-and-file soldiers mutiny can often take other forms. Mutiny could consist of mass desertion and insurgency in the face of competing military and political authorities and the threat of mutiny, furthermore, could be as potent as an actual outbreak. This mechanism is being used by PTI after the failure of the actual attempt on May 9 and passing a resolution by the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly demanding military officers’ court-martial is nothing but a loud and clear attempt at Mutiny but the State of Pakistan is trying to tackle the event politically that would be further encourage mutinous minds. It is pertinent to mention that the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly passed a resolution, demanding court-martial of military officers who have violated the constitution and their oath of office by interfering in the affairs of other national institutions in the past two years. In the meeting presided over by Speaker Babar Saleem Swati, the resolution was approved doubtfully amidst the challenge of 12 members of the opposition.

Gandapur-Afghan interim government could be a dangerous nexus for Pakistan

To understand the nefarious motives behind this reprehensible resolution, it is important to understand that PTI which has been in power in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for more than ten years tries to use the provincial administration to revolt against the Federation of Pakistan. One of the reasons for the political gimmick is the sheer incompetency of the provincial government to solve public problems and its failure to fight against terrorism although law and order is the foremost responsibility of the provincial government under the 18th amendment of the Constitution passed in 2010. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is currently the most affected province by terrorism, the law and order situation here has deteriorated to an alarming extent. Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur is doing nothing but he is infamous for his filthy language and objectionable personality; having the history of his alleged involvement in many cases of rape in his constituency. Now, he is getting involved in a dangerous game of trying to get hold of ‘foreign affairs’ that is a ‘federal subject’ and he has announced he would hold talks with the Afghan interim government. Before this, he had taken over federal electricity power grids and operated them according to his desires but putting a foot on the sensitive issue of ‘foreign affairs’ could be not only dangerous but rather a loud and clear defiance to a federal government that is not only unconstitutional rather falls under a new kind of mutiny.  All of his acts fall under the category of serious rebellion

When a former diplomat was asked to comment on the announcement of Ali Amin Gandapur to initiate talks with the Afghan interim government, he was of the view that Gandapur was crossing the red line to talk directly with neighboring Afghanistan because it is not the province’s discretion to enter neighboring countries without the permission of the Federation. He was of the view that the Afghan Taliban’s interim government is allegedly involved in supporting terrorists against Pakistan and Gandapur-Afghan interim government could be a dangerous nexus for Pakistan.

Faiz Hameed was behind this deal that caused an increase in terrorism in Pakistan and he had arranged the deal when he visited Kabul after the Taliban took over the power from Ashraf Ghani

The diplomat who had been instrumental in Afghan policy when he was serving the Foreign Office believes that the sitting government without wasting time must take this issue seriously because he (the diplomat) believed that Afghan Taliban, PTI, and TTP have already joined hands and it is too dangerous for the country. He added that the Afghan Taliban arranged a deal with TTP (also called Khawarjis) and the PTI government to resettle TTP terrorists in Pakistan which caused a new wave of terrorism in the country. He added that the monster of terrorism gripped the whole of Pakistan again out of this deal people in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa as well as in the whole of Pakistan had to suffer loss of life and property out of this dangerous deal. He believes that Lt Gen. Faiz Hameed was behind this deal that caused an increase in terrorism in Pakistan and he had arranged the deal when he visited Kabul after the Taliban took over the power from Ashraf Ghani.

Another retired diplomat who also served in the United Nations believes that Ali Amin Gandapur gave a superficial statement about Afghanistan and his claim that he is capable enough to convince those people who convinced the world to agree to the Doha agreement after 18 years. Before negotiating with terrorists, it is important to learn from the status of the Doha agreement and the experience of Swat.

Meanwhile, journalists from Peshawar indicate another grave development that is harmful to the country. They claim that Gandapur is creating hatred among policemen against the Pakistan Army. This is of course one of the modalities of mutiny. Journalists claim that Gandapur is behind the protest of suspended policemen from Lakki Marwat and Bannu who started protesting after the martyrdom of the policemen and they are backed by certain elements such as PTI, JUIF, and PTM people. It should be noted that the special force in the merged districts was set up in police uniforms in 2018 due to political interests and quotas – these people were not recruited based on basic competence and merit and they behave like clerks and lawyers instead of behaving like a regular discipline force. Some time ago, the South Waziristan police also went on strike to prevent FC from using smuggling vehicles.

Gandapur plans to incite anti-military sentiments in the province and use the police, levies, and special forces under the provincial government for wicked political purposes

Journalists believe that one or two percent of policemen are troublemakers while the rest are disciplined forces and the relationship between the army and the police is professional and both are standing shoulder to shoulder are check posts.

“The silence of the provincial government is a testimony to the fact that PTI wants to put pressure on the army for its political interest by fomenting this protest and putting the safety of the people of the province at stake due to political interest – the result is not good for the province”, commented a senior journalist from Peshawar.

When asked to comments, a senior journalist, author, and analyst (name withheld on request) was of the view that Gandapur has been peddling anti-state and anti-army myths just to please his masters and KPK Assembly is playing a second fiddle that passed an anti-army resolution and all this is being done at a time when the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province is playing a frontline role in the war against terrorism in the country. He was of the view that instead of focusing on the governance and performance of the province, Gandapur is spending his time creating an anti-state and anti-army narrative, which cannot be allowed.

There is no doubt that no person or party is greater than the state of Pakistan and the brave people of KP have made sacrifices in the war on terror but the provincial government of the PTI and its irresponsible chief minister are involved in political scoring. It looks like Gandapur plans to incite anti-military sentiments in the province and use the police, levies, and special forces under the provincial government for wicked political purposes.

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