Kashmir is a lifeline for Pakistan: Khawaja Asif

Government of PakistanKashmir is a lifeline for Pakistan: Khawaja Asif

SIALKOT, Pakistan: The Foreign Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif on Monday said Kashmir was a lifeline for Pakistan, and sacrifices of the thousands of Kashmiri martyrs would become fruitful and the day was not far when Kashmir would be free from the India subjugation.

“Kashmiris are not alone in their generation-to-generation struggle for their freedom from Indian yoke as every Pakistani stands with them,” the minister said while addressing a Kashmir Conference at Anwar Club Auditorium in Sialkot.

The minister said the Indian army had failed to suppress the freedom movement of Kashmiri people through atrocities, large scale human rights violations, genocide and custodial killings in the occupied Jammu and Kashmir. He said the Indian army had miserably failed to crush the Kashmiris’ struggle for independence as they were writing a new chapter of their freedom movement with every passing day.

Khawaja Asif said now the time had come for the international community to wake up and put pressure on India to give the fundamental right of plebiscite to the oppressed Kashmiri people.

The foreign minister Pakistan always wanted the peaceful solution to the core issue of Kashmir and the world should ensure early implementation of the United Nations resolutions for that purpose. He said the whole Pakistani nation stood with the oppressed Kashmiri people and was showing complete solidarity with them.

Early peaceful solution to the Kashmir dispute had now become vital for ensuring durable peace in South Asia, he added.

Mati-Ullah is the Online Editor For DND. He is the real man to handle the team around the Country and get news from them and provide to you instantly.

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