Indian terrorism and propaganda against Pakistan and threats to regional peace

OpinionIndian terrorism and propaganda against Pakistan and threats to regional peace

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and National Security Adviser Ajit Doval

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and National Security Adviser Ajit Doval

Iftikhar Hussain Jazib

Portraying Pakistan as an epicenter of terrorism through false-flag operations like 2016 Pathankot and 2008 Mumbai attacks, India continuously propagating that it is always becoming a victim of Pakistan’s sponsored terrorism. Under Indian influence, Afghan government is also constantly blaming Pakistan and its national security institutions for promoting unrest in Afghanistan. However, Pakistan’s prime intelligence agency Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) has unearth Indian state networks in Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan which were in cahoots with militants for promotion of terrorism in these countries  and regions around them. The information revealed by sources in security establishment proves that India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) is actually acting as spoiler in the global War against Terrorism, contrary to the expectations of international community.

The stunning arrest and subsequent confessions of a RAW agent Kul Boshan Yadav, a serving officer of Indian Navy from Balochistan have proved that India is sponsoring terrorism in south and central Asia. As the terrorism emanating from these regions is a threat to international peace, this Indian strategy is counterproductive for the Global War against terrorism. Therefore, it could not be treated as solely Pakistan’s concern and international community must urge Indian government to halt its terrorist activities in Pakistan and regions around it. RAW’s involvement in terrorism like this can reverse the gains made by the sincere efforts of Pakistan and international community in uprooting terrorism from Af-Pak region. International community must pressurize India to give up its nefarious activities against Pakistan as the elimination of terrorism is an internationally shared goal.

Prior to the arrest of Kul Boshan Yadav, this issue has already been raised by Pakistan government at international level to expose India as a financier and abettor of terrorism. Last year, a meticulously prepared dossier of proofs and evidences against India was shared with the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and the US President Barack Obama. RAW has quite often been blamed for being involved in subversive activities in Pakistan by international media as well. The issue of Indian terrorist training camps and Pakistan specific Consulate in Afghanistan to assist terrorist groups has also got the attention of western journalists and senior military officers. In 2013, Former US special representative for Af-Pak, James Dobbins stated in a media briefing that Pakistan’s concerns over activities of Indian consulates are largely based on ground realities. Another American scholar, Christine Faire, a professor in George Town University had maintained in her congressional hearings that India is fomenting unrest in Balochistan through its consulates in Afghanistan. These neutral factual positions are enough to proof Pakistan’s case in this regard.

Indian military and Government officials have also openly highlighted Indian conspiracies against Pakistan many times like Indian National Security Adviser, Ajit Doval made a statement about Indian strategy for weaken Pakistan by promoting terrorism and separatism. The recent threats of Indian Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar to inflict Pakistan with pain on his selected time and place also further reflect the current strategic thinking of Indian security establishment about Pakistan. These public statements of Indian leaders are available on social media and prove that RAW is colluding with Al-Qaeda, DAISH and Taliban to harm Pakistan.

Some media reports allege that RAW is sponsoring DAISH in Afghanistan and it has also established links with DAISH’s leadership in Iraq and Syria. A research report of Conflict Armament Research (CAR), has revealed that India is second largest ‘supplier of bomb-making material’ to DAISH. This European Union-mandated study documented that seven Indian companies manufactured most of the detonators, detonating cord and safety fuses. These components were all legally exported under government-issued licences from India to entities in Lebanon and Turkey, the investigations of CAR found. As DAISH has emerged as a global threat after the November 2015 Paris attacks and 2016 suicide bombings in Brussels therefore, international community cannot neglect reports on Indian links with DAISH. These reports must be probed seriously and Indian leadership should be asked to clarify their position on this issue.

According to news reports, Indian National Security Adviser, Ajit Doval visited Iraq and Syria in 2014 under the garb of helping stranded Indians and allegedly, he launched a covert setup of RAW to facilitate ingress of Indian agents in DAISH. By bringing DAISH under its clout, RAW wants to revamp its terror operations against Pakistan as the success of operation Zarb-e-Azb has eroded the hold of its TTP stooges. Most of the TTP militants are hiding in Afghanistan and a nexus of RAW and hostile Afghan intelligence officials is regrouping them under the banner of DAISH. They are also further destabilizing Afghanistan by strengthening DAISH against Afghan Taliban.

These ground realities had proved that Afghan intelligence agency, National Directorate of Security (NDS), allegations on ISI for involvement in Afghanistan are completely wrong, To the contrary, it is actually following an antagonist policy under the influence of India.  Such overtures of Afghan institutions and government functionaries have hurt the interests of Pakistan and Afghanistan in the past. Therefore, Afghan leadership must realize that only a relationship based on mutual trust and respect can help in overcoming the woes of both the nations. Peace and reconciliation in Afghanistan is essential for elimination of terrorism in Pakistan. Pakistan has already lost thousands of precious lives of its soldiers and citizens due to terrorism fueled by unrest in Afghanistan. The economic losses are also huge and Pakistan’s economy is also burdened by hosting large number of Afghan refugees. Moreover, the success of any mega-development plans also depends on peace in Afghanistan. Therefore, it is wrong to declare Pakistan responsible for every ill in Afghanistan and the government of Afghan President Ashraf Ghani need to review its policy of blaming Pakistan.

Indian strategy of maintaining links with terrorists and perpetrating attacks through them is also dangerous for peace in South Asia in the wake of Al-Qaeda’s plans to provoke war between Pakistan and India by staging attacks like Mumbai. The papers retrieved from Al-Qaeda and affiliated militant outfits have revealed such designs of militants and many international journalists have also expressed their concern in this regard. Therefore, international peace activists should also highlight these deadly repercussions of Indian strategy of promoting terrorism in Af-Pak.

The writer tweets @radiant_J_007

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Mati-Ullah is the Online Editor For DND. He is the real man to handle the team around the Country and get news from them and provide to you instantly.

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